Because it ensures the relevance of variation as significant due to inherent capacity or otherwise due to chance factor.
The graph that is most used for categorical data is the pie chart. Bar graphs have also been used for categorical data.
Yes, the mode is the "most popular" score of an array. It is possible to find the mode for categorical data that has more than 2 responses to the question.
Bar chart or bar graph
There are very many ways of analysing data and it is not possible to list them all. Furthermore, most techniques are appropriate only in certain circumstances and so the question needs to be more specific before it can be answered.
The graph that is most used for categorical data is the pie chart. Bar graphs have also been used for categorical data.
most occuring
Yes, the mode is the "most popular" score of an array. It is possible to find the mode for categorical data that has more than 2 responses to the question.
Male or Female
A database.
because it shows how much you learned threw out the year
Name of the school
Yes. here is an example: The mode is the most frequent subject that appears in a set of data. So if the data was 2, 5, 5, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13. The mode would be 10 because it appears the most. The mode can be categorical and numerical. I have already proven that the mode can be numerical in the sentences above. For an example of categorical data, say I surveyed some people about what their favorite food was and this was the data: Pizza, pizza, pizza, ice cream, ice cream, strawberries, strawberries, oranges, spaghetti. The mode would have been pizza.
It depends on the data and the question.
A bar chart or a pie chart.