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your pulse rate is higher because ur heart beats faster than what it breathes

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Q: Why is the emigration rate in Ireland higher than the immigration rate?
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Formula for net migration?

immigration rate + emigration rate.

What were the causes for the expansion of the population of Bombay?

A higher birthrate than death rate. More immigration than emigration.

What are the four criteria for a population?

Population density, Immigration, Emigration Exponential Growth

How does Immigration and emigration and natality rate and mortality rate affect population?

Immigration and higher natality rates increase population, while emigration and higher mortality rates decrease it. Immigration brings in new individuals, boosting population, while emigration removes individuals, decreasing population. Higher natality rates lead to more births, contributing to population growth, whereas higher mortality rates result in more deaths, reducing the population size over time.

What are four main characteristics of a population?

Birth Rate, Death Rate, Immigration, Emigration

What are four factors that affect the size of population?

1) Death 2) Birth 3) Emigration 4) Immigration

The rate at which population size grows or declines depends on the rate of what?

births, death, immigration and emigration

How do you calculate emigration rate?

You can calculate a country's immigration rate in a manner similar to the calculation of birth and death rates. The immigration rate for Canada is 7/1000 (0.7%)

What are four factors that affect mortality rate?

Immigration, emigration, birth rate, death rate

What situation in which the birth rate plus immigration equals the death rate plus emigration is called?

zero population growth

What are the componets of the physical environment?

The forenvironments are dry, moist ,wet ,very wet.