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This is a great question and it is very observant on your part. I don't think most people realize that the infield is really a square. I don't know maybe it is just me. The reason it is a diamond and a square is because the infield is a square laid on its side. It is just that simple as I see it. It's just simple geometry. A square is any quadrilateral figure with four equal sides and four right angles, regardless of the way the figure is rotated or positioned. A diamond is any square or rhombus whose longest diagonal is aligned vertically. Therefore, geometrically speaking, the infield is both a square and a diamond.

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Q: Why is the infield shaped like a diamond but is really a square?
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What is a diamond in baseball?

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A princess cut diamond has a square shape, while a pear shape diamond is tapered at one end.

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because there are 4 bases and all are the same distance apart, which makes a square which is a diamond turned sideways.

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136 Wrong. A baseball diamond is a square, 90 feet on a side. 90 x 90 = 8100 SqFt. A square yard is 3 feet x 3 feet = 9 SqFt. 8100 / 9 = 900. Therefore, a baseball diamond contains 900 SqYds.

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Is a diamond a square or a rhombus?

A diamond is not a square, but a square is a diamond. A diamond is another name for rhombus.

What is a name of a shaped like a triangle but has 4 corners?

A diamond, or mathematically correct a parallelogram or tilted square. You may also be thinking of a trapezoid.

Geometry in baseball fields?

A baseball field is in the shape of a diamond or a square, depending on which perspective you look at it from. The bases are also shaped like squares.

Why is a diamond not a square?

Because a diamond doesn't have the same angles that a square has and a diamond is positioned differently than a square

Is a diamond a square?

A diamond is not a square it is a jewel type shape.

What is the geometric figure of baseball field?

Although called a diamond, the four bases actually form a square. The infield extends beyond this area, between the first and third bases in an arc of a circle with the pitcher's mound as centre. There is no mathematical name for the shape.