The answer will depend on WHERE!. In my room, no seats are tier seats.
a-ask g-given o-operation n-number sentence a-answer
42 seats
Some finite numbers in a set: the number of digits on your hand, the number of seats on a bus, and the number of people on earth. Some infinite numbers in a set: the number of positive integers and the number of digits in pi.
The answer is 25
The number of a state's electoral votes is the state's total number of U.S. Senators and Representatives, so every time a state gains or loses House seats, it gains or loses the same number of electoral votes.
6 (4 for the House seats and 2 for the Senate seats)
The number of house representatives the state has plus the two senate seats.
In addition to election people to fill Congressional seats in the House and Senate, they will be electing representatives to the Electoral College. The Electoral College will cast the votes that elect the President.
The same number of representatives the state has in congress. The more populous the state, the more electors it gets. California has the most, while states with fewer people only have 1. I believe North Dakota and Wyoming only have 1.
10 electoral votes - 1 for each district and 1 for each Senator Maryland has ten electoral votes, but unfortunately little say in which candidate receives them. In 2007 the state of Maryland became the first state in the union to 'drop out' of the electoral college. All ten votes go to the candidate receiving the most popular vote in the union.
The founding fathers in their wisdom (or lack thereof) concluded when preparing the US Constitution that the Voice of the People should determine Presidential elections instead of the area of the state. In the US Senate all states are equal. The electoral college was established as a compromise and the US Census was used to count the residents of each state once every ten years, on years ending in zero and to allocate seats to the US House of Representatives on that basis. Add the number of House Members which can be no less then one to the two Senators for the eligible votes in the Electoral College. More People equals more Electoral votes and a larger representation in the US House. New Mexico is entitled to three seats in the US House and therefore 5 Electoral Votes. Pennsylvania is entitled to nineteen House seats and therefore 21 Electoral Votes,
As long as the number of states and the number of House seats remain unchanged, 270 votes qualifies as an absolute majority.
Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. The states choose as many electors as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.
270 is the minimum number required to win at president.This number is half the total of 538 plus one, i.e a majority.The number of electoral college members is set by the number of US House Representatives (set at 435 seats since 1911), the number of US Senators (2 per state = 100), plus 3 votes for Washington DC.(If no candidate gets this majority, the election is decided by the incoming House of Representatives. The House must then choose the president from among the top three candidates recipients of electoral votes in a special election in which each state gets one vote.)
The Senate is easier to explain. It gives each state (50) 2 senate seats, so that totals 100 seats. In addition, the Vice President serves as the President of the Senate, but can only vote to break a tie. Thus it is called the Voice of the States. The House of Representatives is more difficult. It is the voice of the people, so each state is, first of all, awarded House seats based on population. There is a given number of seats in the house, 435, which are distributed among the states. California, by far the largest in population, has the most house seats. Within each state the seats are divided up based on population, so that, for example, say California with about 54 seats (approx.) would have their seats divided up, geographically, so that there would be 54 congressional districts with approximately the same population, each of these districts represented by 1 Congressmen (House member). So, that , in the end their are 100 Senators (+1 Vice President) + 435 Representatives in the Congress for a total of 536 members of Congress. Then these 536 Congressional members total the number of Electoral Votes in each national election for President, every 4 years. A person to be elected president needs 50% + 1 of these electoral college votes, so the magic number to be elected President is 269 electoral votes every 4 years.
In Queensland State Parliament, there are 89 electoral divisions. In Federal parliament, QLD has 29 House of Representative seats, and 12 seats in the senate.