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The absolute zero is 0 degrees Kelvin (- 273.15 deg celcius)

Nothing is colder (less energetic) than this.

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Q: Why is the possible for anything to be colder than zero?
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Is absolute temperature is same like absolute zero?

No, but they are related. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature. Absolute temperature is the temperature above this coldest possible temperature - i.e., how much hotter is it than the coldest theoretically possible temperature. Celsius temperature isn't absolute. It starts from the temperature of freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Fahrenheit temperature isn't absolute. It says that zero is 32 degrees colder than freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Absolute temperature starts from absolute zero. Nothing is colder than that, so absolute temperature is never a negative number.

Can nothing get colder than 0 k?

No,0 Kelvin is absolute zero,cold as anything can get.

Is 1 colder on the sub zero dial than 7?

Yes, 1 is colder than 7 on a sub-zero dial. The lower the number on the dial, the colder the setting.

Does nothing get colder then 0k on the kelvin scale?

No, 0 Kelvin is the lowest temperature possible, known as absolute zero. At this temperature, all atomic motion ceases, making it impossible for anything to be colder.

Can something get colder than 0 degrees kelvin?

No, 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature where particles stop moving. It is theoretically impossible for an object to be colder than 0 Kelvin.

What is the lowest teperature for celsius?

The lowest temperature possible in Celsius is -273.15°C, which is known as absolute zero. At this temperature, all molecular motion ceases.

How cold -273 Celsius?

-273 degrees Celsius is the equivalent of absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature where molecular motion stops. It is the coldest temperature that can be reached, and nothing can be colder than this.

Can anything get colder than 0 K?

No. 0 degr.K (or more correctly 0 Kelvin) is absolute zero = minus 273.2 degr.C

What is meant by absolute zero temperature?

It is the coldest temperature. Nothing is colder than absolute zero. Scientists do know what happens in absolute zero because to get it to absolute zero, they have to put the object in something colder. But like mentioned above, nothing is colder than absolute zero. It is pretty much the end of the thermometer.

Why it is impossible for anything to be colder than the lowest possible temperature?

The lowest possible temperature, known as absolute zero, is the point at which particles have minimal energy and motion. Once this point is reached, it is not possible for anything to have less energy or be colder. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles, so reaching absolute zero means there is no kinetic energy left to extract.

What is colder than 5 F below zero?


Why is Celsius zero called absolute zero?

It isn't. "Absolute zero" is zero on the Kelvin scale, 273.15 degrees colder than zero Celsius.