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Think of a numberline, Travle 5 sides to the negative side, and than 5 steps back , this is negative 5 and positive 5. This appplies for all rational numbers

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Q: Why is the sum of a rational number and its opposite always equal 0?
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Why is the sum of a rational number and it's opposite always equal to 0?

Because the opposite of 8 for example is -8 and 8+(-8) = 0

When are the absolute value and the opposite of rational number equal?

When the number is 0.

What number is equal to a opposite?

the number 0 is always equal to its opposite

When it went off absolute value and the opposite of a rational number equal?

When the number is non-positive.

Does a rational number times an irrational number equal a rational number?

No. If the rational number is not zero, then such a product is irrational.

Does an irrational plus a rational number equal an irrational number?

Yes, always.

When are the absolute value and the opposite of a rational number equal?

The answer depends on whether the "opposite" means the multiplicative inverse or the additive inverse.

Can an irrational number minus a rational number equal an irrational number?

Yes, it will always be irrational.

Is the product of an irrational number and a rational number always equal an irrational number?

Yes, except in the degenerate case where the rational number is 0, in which case the product is also 0, a rational result.

What does a rational number times an irrational number equal?

The product of 0 and an irrational is 0 (a rational), the product of a non-zero rational and any irrational is always irrational.

Can a rational number be multiplied by an irrational number and equal a rational number?

Only if the rational number is 0.

Can a rational number plus an irrational number equal a rational number?

No, never.