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Q: Why is there more than one social role?
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The answer will depend on a number of factors. It will be more than one if the country is meritocratic and offers equal opportunities to all. In that case social mobility will be more common.

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People having more than one responsibility or desire :)

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As part of good business etiquette, it is important for business people to physically meet with one another, establish a conversation and build connections. This is where business and social clubs play a crucial role..Read More

What was the US role in war?

You need to specify WHICH war, or at least when. There has been more than one.

When governor play role more than one state then his pay becomes?

ya mum

Can you use more than two social security number?

One social security number is issued to you. If you use more than one then you must be using someone else's. If you have two SS# then contact the Social Security Administration and get it corrected. You want the income information properly reported so you get all you are supposed to.

Do chickens fare better if there is more than one?

Yes, chickens are social and do better with a "flock", even when the "flock" is simply one more bird.

Role of MNCs in globlisation?

One of the many roles MNC's play in globalization is to control production in more than one country.

When does FICA stop being withheld in paychecks?

When you have one employer the amount of FICA for your social security would stop once your wages with the withheld social security amount reach 106800 and social security amount withheld would be 6621.60 If you have more than one employer and your combined wages reported on your W-2 are more than the 106800 amount and your the withheld social security amount is more than the 6621.60 then you would get a tax credit for the amount that is over the 6621.60 on your federal income tax return.

Can an organism play more than one role in a food web yes or no?

Yes, an organism can play more than one role in a food web. Some organisms may act as both predators and prey, while others may serve as both herbivores and decomposers in the same ecosystem.

Is there more than one actor playing billy Elliot?

Yes there are three boys playing the role of Billy Elliot