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K is the letter which kilo starts with. Kilo is the prefix for one thousand (e.g. kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt, etc.).

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Q: Why k used as an abbreviation for thousand?
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What is the abbreviation used to represent One Thousand?


What is the abbreviation for thousand?

K, as in 100,000 = 100K

What is the abbreviation for one thousand in Spanish?


Why do people put on MySpace like 14k or like whatever number and then 'k' what does it mean?

Thousand. 'k' is an abbreviation for kilo, the prefix for thousand.

How much is 150k?

K or k is usually an abbreviation of thousand, so 150k would mean 150,000

What is the abbreviation for one thousand?

"k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..) "k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..)

What is K used for?

In Chemistry, K is an abbreviation for Kelvin which is a unit for temperature, but I don't know if that's what you were asking.

Is the letter M used to indicate 250 thousand?

the letter "K" is used to express thousand not "M"

What is 2.8k?

K is abbreviation of Kilo- meaning thousand as in kilometre, kilogram, etc. 2.8K = 2,800

What does the letter k mean when attached to financial figureexample 50K?

K is typically used as a short form of a thousand. So 50K means fifty thousand.

What is the abbreviation k dollars stand for?


How much money is 2.0 k?

two thousand k = kilo = 1,000 such as kilometre is 1,000 metres