K is the letter which kilo starts with. Kilo is the prefix for one thousand (e.g. kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt, etc.).
K is an abbreviation for Kilo-(thousand). The abbreviation for Thousand is THOU.
No it isn't, but THOUS is an abbreviation of the word Thousand.
K stands for Kilo means a thousand
The "K" is an abbreviation for "Kilo". One kilo is equal to one thousand.
K, as in 100,000 = 100K
Thousand. 'k' is an abbreviation for kilo, the prefix for thousand.
K or k is usually an abbreviation of thousand, so 150k would mean 150,000
"k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..) "k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..)
In Chemistry, K is an abbreviation for Kelvin which is a unit for temperature, but I don't know if that's what you were asking.
the letter "K" is used to express thousand not "M"
K is abbreviation of Kilo- meaning thousand as in kilometre, kilogram, etc. 2.8K = 2,800
K is typically used as a short form of a thousand. So 50K means fifty thousand.
two thousand k = kilo = 1,000 such as kilometre is 1,000 metres