An abbreviation for three hundred thousand dollars is 300K.
"k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..) "k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..)
$100,000 is written as $100k.
1.08 million 1.08 x 10**6
K is an abbreviation for Kilo-(thousand). The abbreviation for Thousand is THOU.
mil. MM is an abbreviation that may represent one million. M typically represents one thousand, so "MM" literally conveys "a thousand thousand". mil.
The "K" is an abbreviation for "Kilo". One kilo is equal to one thousand.
An abbreviation for three hundred thousand dollars is 300K.
No it isn't, but THOUS is an abbreviation of the word Thousand.
The abbreviation for ten thousand units is 10K (the K standing for a thousand).
Sr. is the abbreviation for señor in Spanish
One thousand (1000) is mil in Spanish.
The written abbreviation for "señora" in Spanish is Sra.