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Q: Why moving from place to place affects teens?
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How does music influence teens to use drugs?

Most Teens Are Influenced By Their Favorite Actor , Rapper , Or Singer . They Tend To Look Up To That Person & Do Exactly What That Person Does . Music & Television Affects Teens . Television Affects Teens Because What People Act Teens In Real Life Want To Do .

How does moving affect teens?

it just does

Were is a good place for teens to hang out?

a good place 4 teens 2 hang out is at the mall or the beach

What affects a riptide?

The amount of water moving toward a beach, and the underwater terrain moving away from the beach.

What is lepracy?

It affects your hands and makes them go into spasms but not moving

Does self harm mainly effect children and teens or adults?

self-harm affects mainly teens and young adults, but it can affect all ages, including younger children and the elderly.

What affect does moving have on teens?

moving can have a really big effect trust me, now i live on the other side of town and I almost killed myself.

How does migration affect cultures?

Culture affects migration in a direct manner. There are some communities who will keep moving as it is part of their culture to move from one place to another and such groups are known as nomads.

What age does anorexia mostly affect?

It mostly affects the teens, girls more of boys. Teens are so eager to look skinny which is "pretty" instead of chubby which is "ugly." most teens do it because of depression, low self esteem, and there might even be more reasons but I find these to be more common in most teens.

What does the moving charge depend on?

The moving charge depends on the magnitude of the charge, the speed of the charge, and the magnetic field it is moving through. The direction of the moving charge also affects the force experienced.

How media affects teens?

The sound of the music/video affects them because it goes through their mind and they either like it, or they dont. Sometimes blasting music in your ears will lead out to being deaf by 23.

What are three ways water influences climate?

Water vapor in the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat and contributing to the greenhouse effect. Oceans help regulate global temperatures by absorbing and releasing heat, influencing weather patterns and climate systems. Evaporation of water from land and bodies of water can lead to the formation of clouds and precipitation, impacting regional weather and climate.