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Q: Why pupil became bigger and smaller?
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When a light is in your eye does you pupil go bigger or smaller?

When a light is shined into your eye, your pupil constricts (gets smaller) as a natural response to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. This helps to protect the sensitive inner structures of the eye from damage.

What would happen if your pupil did not get bigger or smaller?

your eye would explode

Why do your geckos pupils get bigger then get smaller?

The same as ours do... light constricts (smaller), darkness dilates (larger) the pupil.

What happens to your pupil during the day and night?

During the day, your pupil constricts or becomes smaller to let in less light. At night, your pupil dilates or becomes larger to let in more light and improve your vision in low-light conditions. This response is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and helps regulate the amount of light that reaches the retina.

What happens to your pupil when you go from a dark room into bright light?

They become bigger and widder

What happened to the pupil of the eye exposed to light?

When the pupil of the eye is exposed to light, the muscles surrounding the pupil contract, causing it to constrict. This helps to reduce the amount of light entering the eye and minimizes glare, allowing for better focus and vision in bright conditions.

Why do parakeets pupils go small?

its not just parakeets its everyones eyes when light enters the eye the pupil doesnt get bigger its the color around the pupil that gets bigger or smaller the pupil is wut the light goes through. then it reflects againts the back of your eye and that's how you see things

What is dark round opening at the center of the iris which becomes smaller or bigger?

That is the pupil, which is essentially a hole in the iris that allows light to enter the eye. The pupil can change size in response to different lighting conditions and levels of arousal.

Why do have color in eyes?

The muscles that make the pupil smaller or bigger, or the retina, contain pigment, and the color of pigment is based on your genes.

What happend to the elk population when the wolf population became smaller?

It became bigger I guess

What happens to the pupil not exposed to light?

When a light is not shined into an eye the pupil contracts gets bigger because the eye needs all the light being presented to it. If the light is not taken away the pupil does not dilate. PS like the eye gets smaller in the light.

Pupil gets larger it dilates pupil gets smaller it?
