

Why sample used in statistic?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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15y ago

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Sampling is used in statistics because you can't possibly ask everyone in the world how old they are in order to find out the average age of all humans. But by getting a representative sample, you can make a pretty accurate estimation of the average age of everyone on the planet.

Another less obvious reason sampling is used is to get rid of bias. If you ask 10 of your friends if they like apples and 9 of them say they do, you can't say that 90% of people like apples. Maybe 90% of your friends, but it's very important to get a sample that accurately represents and reflects the population you are studying.

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Samples are used to describe the popularion (hence the name descriptive statistics). To perform a census or obtain data from a population is usually time consuming and costly.

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You have not defined M, but I will consider it is a statistic of the sample. For an random sample, the expected value of a statistic, will be a closer approximation to the parameter value of the population as the sample size increases. In more mathematical language, the measures of dispersion (standard deviation or variance) from the calculated statistic are expected to decrease as the sample size increases.

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That is the definition of a statistic

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