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Q: Why standard reduction potential of zinc is assigned as negative value whereas that of copper is positive value?
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What is the relative standard reduction potential of the half cell in which reduction occurs?

more positive than the other half-cell

What is the relative standard reduction potential of the half-cell in which reduction occurs?

The relative standard reduction potential of a half-cell is a measure of the tendency of a species to gain electrons and undergo reduction. It is defined relative to a standard hydrogen electrode, which is assigned a potential of 0 V. The more positive the reduction potential, the greater the tendency for reduction to occur in that half-cell.

What is the total reduction potential of a cell in which lithium (Li) is reduced and mercury (Hg) is oxidized?

-3.90v Apex sucks!!

What is a positive DC voltage?

A positive DC voltage is an electric potential where excess electrons will flow from negative to positive.AnswerYou appear to be mixing up potential difference (i.e. voltage) with potential. There is no such thing as a 'positive' voltage if you mean 'positive' in the sense of charge! 'Voltage' means 'potential difference', and you cannot have a positive or negative potential difference in this sense. You can only apply positive and negative in this sense to potentials.However, if you mean 'positive' in the sense of direction, then a positive voltage is one that is acting in the opposite direction to a negative voltage within the same circuit. For example, where two batteries have been connected in opposition.

The terminals of a diode are called the?

anode positive potential cathode negative potential

A more positive value for electrode potential means that the electrode is more likely to be a?

A more positive reduction potential (Eored) means that substance will be reduced, which occurs at the cathode. A more positive oxidation potential (Eoox) means that substance will be oxidized and occur at the anode.

Is it possible for a system to have negative potential energy?

Yes. Potential energy can't be specified in absolute terms; you have to arbitrarily define a reference point. For the case of gravitation, any object below the reference point would have negative potential energy. What matters is not the number assigned to the potential energy, but the difference - this difference would be the same, even if you change your reference level.

Is the total reduction potential of a cell in which potassium (K) is reduced and copper (Cu) is oxidized?


Why does the graphite rod act as a positive terminal where as the zinc casing a negative terminal?

The graphite rod acts as the positive terminal because it is the cathode where reduction reactions occur, while the zinc casing acts as the negative terminal because it is the anode where oxidation reactions occur. This is due to their differences in electrode potential and their roles in the electrochemical reaction process.

What is it called when positive and negative charges have a potential difference?
