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Q: Why thickness of chip is more than the depth of cut?
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What is the chip thickness ratio?

In a machining process, a sharp tool cuts through some workpiece, generally by skimming along its surface. The "depth of cut" is the measurement of how far beneath the surface of the workpiece the tool is penetrating. The "chip thickness" is the thickness of the material being cut away. One might think that the thickness of the removed material would be equal to the depth of cut, and sometimes it is. In that case, the chip thickness ratio is 1.0. However, depending on many other factors (cutting tool geometry, material properties, etc.), sometimes the chip will be thicker or thinner than the depth of cut, due to deformation of the chip as it is removed. This change of thickness as the chip material is being removed is defined as the "chip thickness ratio."

When chip thickness ratio greater than 1?

When Rack angle is zero... Chip thickness ration is going to be greater.

Is plug weld's depth of filling to the right or left of the welding symbol?

When the depth of filling is less than the thickness (less than complete), it is specified inside the plug weld symbol!!!

Does a fried chip have more grease than a baked chip?

Yes, its fried so it will absorb more grease.

Why A dam has broader world at the bottom than at the top?

Due to the that the pressure exerted by a liquid increase with its depth. Thus as depth increase, more and more pressure is exert by water on the wall of dam. A thick wall is required to withstand a great pressure, therefore, the wall of the dam is made with thickness increasing towards the base

How many more people chose chocolate chip than oatmeal?

80% choose chocolate chip personally i love chocolate chip :)

What is the difference between strip and sheet?

Strip has thickness less than or equal to 4.76 mm and width less than 24 inches.Sheet has thickness less than or equal to 4.76 mm and width more than 24 inches.Plate has thickness more than 4.76 mm and width over 10 inches.

Is a piece of notebook paper three dimensional?

yes because it has a depth of less than a milimeterMy version:Yes, the three dimensions for our purposes are length width and depth. Paper has a thickness (depth) even though it is seen by our eyes as two dimensional (length and width only)

What does 0.118 inches look like?

That's a little more than 1/10 of an inch. About the thickness of a coin.

What is the thickness of paper towels?

There is no standard thickness for paper towels. More expensive kinds are generally a lot thicker than the cheaper brands.

How is the fact that the pressure increases with depth taking into account while constucting a wall of dam?

The base of the dam is substantially thicker than the top. The extra thickness adds strength.

Describe soft wheat briefly with advantage?

more flavor than white and alittle more thickness to it