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Q: Why triangles are rigid?
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Is a diamond a rigid shape?

A diamond is not a rigid shape unless it has a brace. A brace is a diagonal line you put inside shapes to make them rigid. Triangles are rigid so if you put a brace in a square to make two triangles the square is now rigid.

Why do architects and engineers use so many triangles in construction?

Triangles are rigid, quadrilaterals are not - a square can be "squashed" into rhombus.

What is a rigid shape?

A rigid shape is when you cant push/pull on it and make it turn into a different shape. You can make shapes rigid by adding "braces", which are lines that you put inside the shape to make triangles (which are rigid). For instance, a square is notrigid. To make it rigid, you would put a brace inside diagonally. This would create TWO triangles, and therefore, rigid. ~xDragonx

What is an example of a rigid joint?

the rugs connected to a ladder and the usually metal triangles or crosses of a bridge are examples of rigid joints.

Are regular hexagons rigid?

No. The only rigid polygon is a triangle. Any other needs diagonals - which break up the polygon into triangles.

What are the function of triangles?

A triangle is the only polygon which is rigid. Any polygon with 4 or more sides can be skewed ito another shape and so are not rigid. The way around this is to brace it which is equivalent to making the shape into triangles. So one of the main function of triangles is to give rigidity to structures such as electricity pylons, bridge ironwork.

Why are triangles good for bridges?

The triangle is a rigid shape, more so than a square, for example.

What are rigid rectilinear figures?

The only rectilinear figure is a triangle, or one composed of several triangles joined together.

Which properties of triangles make them special among all other types of polygons?

They are rigid structures: the side lengths determine their shape uniquely. This is one reason that triangles are used in structures - for bracing,

What makes the Eiffel Tower rigid?

In geometry, the triangle form is the most rigid. The length of the sides define the shape of the triangle and anything made of triangles will maintain that rigidity. Looking at the Eiffel Tower you will notice that the whole structure is composed of metal beams meeting to form triangles. The metal beams themselves are made of smaller triangle structures.

How do you make a polyhedron rigid?

Nevermind guys, I learned it in class today, our teacher doesn't inform us on homework very well...Anyways, you make a polyhedron rigid just like a 2d shape, where you add braces and form triangles. Just in this case, you do it on all sides not rigid, not just the one 2d shape.Thanks anyways!~xDragonx

What is the area of 14 by 6 by 5 by 7 by 6?

It will depend on what the shape is. And, since all plane shapes apart from triangles are non-rigid, it is also necessary to know the angles.