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Because filius Bonacci was his last name.

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Q: Why was Leonardo Fibonacci called Fibonacci?
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Related questions

Who found the Fibonacci sequence?

Leonardo Fibonacci, or Leonardo of Pisa.

What were Fibonacci's other names?

Fibonacci's other names were Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci and Leonardo Fibonacci.

Why is Fibonacci numbers called that?

Because they are named after the 13th century mathematician Leonardo de Pisa, who was also called Leonardo Fibonacci. He discovered the number sequence, and their relation to Pi.

What was Leonardo Fibonacci's religion?

Via Wikipedia: Leonardo Fibonacci was a catholic.

Why did Leonardo discover Fibonacci sequence?

Leonardo didn't discover it... Fibonacci did.

Why was Leonardo of Pisa called Fibonacci?

because that is his nick name

Who was Leonardo Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci was the father and creator of the fibonacci sequence a very famous mathematic sequence

Who discovered Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci

What is the first name of Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci

Why was Leonardo Pisano called Fibonacci?

Leonardo Pisano was called Fibonacci because "Fibonacci" was a contraction of "filius Bonacci," which means "son of Bonacci." Leonardo's father's name was Guglielmo Bonacci, and Leonardo himself was known for popularizing the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe through his book "Liber Abaci."

When did Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci first recorded his sequence in his book Liber Abaci, which was published in 1202.

Is the Fibonacci Sequence named after Leonardo Fibonacci?
