Well, honey, prisoners were given numbers because it was a convenient way for the authorities to keep track of them like they were cattle. It dehumanized them and made it easier to control the masses. Plus, it's a lot easier to remember a number than a name when you've got hundreds of inmates to deal with.
Chat with our AI personalities
if the gcd and lcm are given and one of the numbers are also given,multiply the gcd and lcm and divide them by the given number
Without knowing what the numbers are, I would suggest taking the mean of the given numbers.
None of them is, since none are given.
The GCF of the given numbers is 8
* It was permanent. * It was cheap. * It was degrading. * It helped the Nazis keep tabs on prisoners. Obviously, the tattooed numbers were only given to prisoners selected for work. Moreoever, it was used only at the Auschwitz group of camps.
prisoners rights are rights given to prisoners by the government.
The use of numbers instead of names dehumanized the prisoners and reduced them to mere identification numbers. This practice was a deliberate tactic by the Nazis to strip away the individuality and identity of the prisoners, making it easier to manipulate and control them. It also served to further the degrading and inhumane treatment of the prisoners in the camps.
They had numbers to represent their names
The prisoners are told to run a bit to get into shape for their cheeks to pinken a little.
They were Auschwitz concentration camp numbers and did not have any 'meaning'.
Geneva conventions
Agriculture and crafts
This was only done at the Auschwitz group of camps. The records of numbers and names still exist.
All prisoners who were forced labourers at the Auschwitz complex of camps had a number tattooed on them. Tattooed numbers were not used at other camps.