The square root of the sum of the squares (RSS) can be used to calculate the aggregate accuracy of a measurement when the accuracies of the all the measuring devices are known. The average accuracy is not merely the arithmetic average of the accuracies (or uncertainties), nor is it the sum of them.
Let's say you are conducting a test to verify the resistance of a coil. The coil is built to have a resistance to within one percent of its nominal value. Further, say you have an ohm meter that is accurate to within 0.5 percent of the measured value, but the test leads introduce an uncertainty of two percent. What is the inherent accuracy of any measurement that you make with that set-up?
Use RSS to figure it out.
RSS = SQRT(0.0052 + 0.022) = 0.0206 = 2.06 percent. Note how the RSS result in this case is greater than the largest of the values under the radical. (BTW, that test rig isn't a very good one for verifying whether the coil is within spec. The rig's uncertainty is more than two times the tolerance of the coil.)
The square root of 92 is approximately 9.6 when rounded to one decimal place. To find the square root of 92, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method such as the Babylonian method for square roots. This calculation involves iteratively improving an initial guess until the square of the guess is close enough to the target number, in this case, 92.
One definition of "root" is "the basic cause, source, or origin of something." The source of a perfect square is the number that was multiplied by itself to create it: the root of the square, the square root.
The square root of 100 is 10.
yes, one such is the square root of four, which is two
One third
The calculation for the square root of X is to find either of the two numbers (one positive and the other negative) such that the number multiplied by itself gives X.
One cannot find the square root of a negative number.
There isn't one Linear is only length one foot long square foot is an area with width X breadth measured in inches or feet equaling 1 square foot ,
To do square root in excel you type SQRT and then whatever number you want to square root in brackets. For instance, if you want the square root of 13 in one cell, you would type =SQRT(13).
The square root of one is one.
A Square Root is one of the two equal factors of a number.
One cannot get the square root of an item. However if you want to quantify this item: The square root of the moon = the square root of (1) the moon. The square root of (1) moon is still one moon as the root of 1 is still one :P
.05 is the square root of one fourth.
Square Root of a MillionThe square root of a million is 1,000.
The square root of one google is +/- 10e50
The Sign for square root is One of them ticks
The square root of 92 is approximately 9.6 when rounded to one decimal place. To find the square root of 92, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method such as the Babylonian method for square roots. This calculation involves iteratively improving an initial guess until the square of the guess is close enough to the target number, in this case, 92.