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=== === == == (LIFE SAFETY WARNING! [disclaimer] Electricity is dangerous!

You can be injured or killed!

Improper installations can cause fire, injury and death!

Why would the same FUSE [important] keep blowing when conductors and voltage seem ok?

Troubleshooting is the final measure of skill and knowledge!

It is the knowledge of how electricity works, and of the methods and materials used to create a functional wiring system, that enables a skilled troubleshooter to locate the problem and repair it.

Where should the "voltage" be, and how does it get there?

And where shouldn't it be?

I see two possible causes of your problem ...

1] There is a very high current draw, caused by an intermittent fault to ground in one conductor at some as yet undiscovered point.

2] There is some heat source causing the FUSE [a melting thermal device] to open when there is normal current because there is not enough differential remaining between the fuse's ambient temperature and the melting point of the fusible element [loose fitting fuseholder, loose screw connection, loose conductor termination, and so on ...]. ... or, of course, the installation was done by a hack and there is another load somewhere you haven't recognized ...

== == <><><> Replace the elements, they are inexpensive, next check the wiring to ground. Those are the things a homeowner can do. If there is still a problem call a Pro. == == <><><> Thanks, Robert. Looking closer, I found that one of the fuse holders in the disconnect box was totally shot. I am surprised I did not have a fire. Replaced the old disconnect with a new one using breakers. Everything fine now. <><><>

As always, if you are in doubt about what to do, the best advice anyone should give you is to call a licensed electrician to advise what work is needed.

Before you do any work yourself,

on electrical circuits, equipment or appliances,

always use a test meter to ensure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.




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Q: Why would only one side of a 240V water heater line blow fuses periodically when elements and voltages test OK?
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Do fuses protect against - A short circuits B overoading C lightning surges D large ground faults?

Short circuits.

What is a ephiphyseal line?

Epiphyseal line is the junction between diaphysis (long part of the bone) and epiphysis (growing end of the bone). This is the region where the growth of bone takes place. Gradually as an individual approaches puberty, the epiphysis fuses with the bone and the growth stops.

How many watts does a ge fcm7suww 7 cubic foot freezer use?

The specification plate on that GE model freezer says 120 Volts at 1.7 Amps running. So 120V x 1.7A = 204 Watts running. But remember, electrical motors typlically draw about three times the running current when they first start and spin up to speed. So the starting current would be about 1.7A x 3 ~ 5.1 Amps when starting. This is important if you have fuses - be sure to use a Slow-Blow fuse (10 or 15 Amp). If you have circuit breakers then a 15 Amp breaker should be fine. And if you need and extension cord be sure to use one reated at least 15 Amps. - The VillageElder

Change positive ground to negative old tractor?

---------------- You really don't need to replace anything! But his will allow you to ADD the more common negative ground accessories. This will work for tractors, trucks, cars... whatever. Switch the wires at the coil. Reverse your battery connections (turn your battery around and connect positive cable to positive post on the battery) and connect the negative cable to the ground. Connect a wire from the positive post of the battery. Take the other end of the wire and brush it against the "F" (field) post on the voltage regulator until you see a few sparks. DO NOT CONNECT THIS END, just brush it a couple times. Check all your fuses. Reverse the wires on your gauges or the display will be backwards.

What is the Bible's view on adultery?

The Bible says adultry is a sin. It is wrong, against the ten commandments and the root of at least one story. Are you trying to find out more specific, like is it forgivable or why it is wrong? Ten Commandments - Exodus 20:14 Mathew 5:27 Luke 16:18 John 8:1-11 Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not commit Adultery" See these verses out of the King James Version EXODUS 20:14 "Thou shalt not commit adultery" DEUTERONOMY 5:18 "Neither shalt thou commit adultery" LUKE 18:20 "Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery" JAMES 2:11 "For he that said, Do no commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law If you can read, you should look and see for yourself. People who rely on other people's understandings of the Bible will never get to hear God speak to them in their spirit. One of the commandments from the Law of Moses is that you shall not commet adultery. It is an act of selfishness. It is not born of love. The Bible says that in order to please God, we must love one another as we love ourselves, and love the Lord God with all our hearts. If we do that, than we have kept all of the commandments. If I love you, I will not steal your wife. See? The Bible says that we are incapable of loving one another because we are sinners. We must die to our old nature and believe on Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a once and for all sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sinful nature. This does not make one sin-less, but it forgives all past present and future sins. After we have believed on Him, he then fuses His Holy Spirit with us, making it possible to love one another. We then, through time and trials, become more and more like Jesus everday. it is not our own struggle, trying to be like Jesus---it is just being your self., but yourself is now strengthened by the Holy Spirit. It is purely supernatural. That is why it works. It isn't a philosophy, a method, or even a relgion. It is completely supernatural. And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. Leviticus 20:10. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.John 8:3-8

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Remove Glove Box. Fuses are located between fan housing and heater box. there are two fuses and a relay. Remove Glove Box. Fuses are located between fan housing and heater box. there are two fuses and a relay.

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have you checked the fuses? if so, maybe the heater core needs replacing

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Blown fuses or bad elements.

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Try checking the fuses.

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there is a short somewhere in dash or heater, you need to fix that to stop fuses blowing