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Because in the derivation of the formula for its period you assume that sin(x) = x. This is true only for small angles x (measured in radians).

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Q: Why you need to oscillate the pendulum bob to be a small angle in degree?
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Does the angle have an affect on the pendulum?

Yes. The derivation of the simple formula for the period of the pendulum requires the angle, theta (in radians) to be small so that sin(theta) and theta are approximately equal. There are more exact formulae, though.

What is the difference in period for a pendulum on earth and a pendulum on moon?

The period of a simple pendulum swinging at a small angle is approximately 2*pi*Sqrt(L/g), where L is the length of the pendulum, and g is acceleration due to gravity. Since gravity on the moon is approximately 1/6 of Earth's gravity, the period of a pendulum on the moon with the same length will be approximately 2.45 times of the same pendulum on the Earth (that's square root of 6).

Why degree of amplitude of simple pendulum should not exceed 5?

wind resistance cannot be ignored in considering a simple pendulum. The wind resistance will be proportional to a higher power of the velocity of the pendulum. A small arc of the pendulum will lessen this effect. You could demonstrate this effect for yourself. A piece of paper attached to the pendulum will add to the wind resistance, and you can measure the period both with and without the paper.

What controls the period of a pendulum?

For a simple pendulum, consisting of a heavy mass suspended by a string with virtually no mass, and a small angle of oscillation, only the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity affect its period. t = 2*pi*sqrt(l/g) where t = time, l = length and g = acceleration due to gravity.

What is the thing inside the right angle?

Your question is a little unclear, but if you mean the small square drawn on the inside corner of a right angle: it is simply a way of showing a 90-degree angle.

Related questions

Why must a pendulum swing through a small angle?

A pendulum must swing through a small angle because the motion of a pendulum is approximately simple harmonic only for small angles. At larger angles, the motion becomes nonlinear, making it more complex and harder to predict accurately. Additionally, at smaller angles, the restoring force provided by gravity is nearly constant, ensuring that the period of the pendulum remains constant.

Why should the initial angle of displacement for a simple pendulum be small?

The small angle approximation assumes that the pendulum follows simple harmonic motion and makes the analysis simpler. For larger angles, the restoring force is no longer directly proportional to the displacement, leading to a more complex motion that deviates from simple harmonic motion.

When will the motion of simple pendulum be shm?

The motion of a simple pendulum will be simple harmonic when the angle of displacement from the vertical is small (less than 10 degrees) and the amplitude is also small.

Does the angle have an affect on the pendulum?

Yes. The derivation of the simple formula for the period of the pendulum requires the angle, theta (in radians) to be small so that sin(theta) and theta are approximately equal. There are more exact formulae, though.

What 3 variables that might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds?

The length of the pendulum, the angular displacement of the pendulum and the force of gravity. The displacement can have a significant effect if it is not through a small angle.

What are the factors on which the time period of simple pendulum depends?

The time period of a simple pendulum depends on the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity. It is independent of the mass of the bob and the angle of displacement, provided the angle is small.

How small is small ie small approximation of up to which angle of physical pendulum in calculating time period?

Small- little short not very important Small- little short not very important

What are conditions used while calculating time period of simple pendulum?

The time period of a simple pendulum is calculated using the following conditions: Length of the pendulum: The longer the length of the pendulum, the longer it takes for one complete back-and-forth swing. Acceleration due to gravity: The time period is inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity. Higher gravity results in a shorter time period. Angle of displacement: The time period is slightly affected by the initial angle of displacement, but this effect becomes negligible for small angles.

What are the two precautions taken to ensure accurate results in simple pendulum experiment?

Two precautions taken to ensure accurate results in a simple pendulum experiment are using a long string to minimize air resistance and ensuring the pendulum swings in a small angle to approximate simple harmonic motion.

What are the factors that affect the period of a pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is affected by its length, the acceleration due to gravity, and the angle at which it is released. Shorter pendulums have shorter periods, gravity influences the speed of the pendulum's swing, and releasing it from a higher angle increases its period.

How Does the angle affect the simple pendulum?

The angle at which the simple pendulum is released affects the period of its oscillation. A larger initial angle will produce a longer period as the pendulum swings back and forth. This is because the gravitational force is resolved into two components, one along the path of motion and one perpendicular to it.

Would you keep the amplitude of simple pendulum small or large?

It is preferable to keep the amplitude of a simple pendulum small because larger amplitudes can lead to nonlinear behavior and make the system harder to analyze. Keeping the amplitude small ensures that the motion remains approximately harmonic, simplifying calculations and predictions.