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The reasons behind precise measuring and procedural execution two-fold. First, this minimizes the possibility of creating excess reagent. Second, it is a potential safety and waste minimizing step.

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Q: Why you should never take more of a chemical than you estimate you will need for an experiment?
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What you should never skip in experiment?

Safety precautions.

What should you never do to identify a chemical?

taste or touch

What is The thing you change in an experiment?

The chemical composition and physical state of substances can change during an experiment.For example two reactants in solid or liquid form can react in an experiment to give a product in a gaseous form.

Should you taste substances used in experiments?

No. You should never taste anything used in any kind of an experiment for any reason.

What can NEVER change these to make the equation balanced?

Changing subscripts in chemical formulas should never be done to balance a chemical equation because it changes the identity of the compounds involved. Instead, coefficients should be adjusted to balance the equation without altering the chemical formulas.

What should you never do with a chemical?

You should never inhale, ingest, or touch a chemical without proper protection and training. It is also important to never mix chemicals unless you are certain of the reaction and have the appropriate safety measures in place.

Should you never return a chemical ti its original container after an experiment?

It is generally not recommended to return a chemical to its original container after an experiment as it can lead to contamination. Additionally, the original container may not be properly labeled or may not be suitable for storing the chemical in the long term. It is safer to use a clean and properly labeled container for storage.

Why should you never tasta a chemical to see if it is an acid?

As a simple rule never taste chemicals unless you are absolutely certain you know what they and that they are harmless.

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When is the only time an experiment is considered a failure?

An experiment is never a failure. Experiments are just to find out what happens.

What is the other part of the experiment that will never change?

The constant.

What is the constant of a science experiment?

The thing that never changes.