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Q: Will a sample float in water that has a mass of 64 g and volume of 66 ml?
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What measurements must you make to find the density of a sample of matters?

density = mass / volume. so you need to weigh to find the mass. To find the volume submerse in water and record the displacement of water to find the volume.

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The volume of a sample of water is 20cm3 the mass of?

In order to determine the mass of the water sample, you would need to know the density of water. The density of water is approximately 1 g/cm3. Therefore, the mass of a 20 cm3 sample of water would be 20 grams (20 cm3 * 1 g/cm3 = 20 grams).

How are mass and volume related to the sinking and floating of an object?

Mass and volume are related to the sinking and floating of an object through their density. An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid it is placed in, and will float if its density is less than the density of the fluid. The relationship can be expressed as density = mass/volume.

What helps pumice float?

The pumice is not very dense, if the mass of the volume of water displacement is greater than the mass of the rock it will float

What does volume and mass have to do with flotationn?

The density of an object is its mass divided by its volume. If that is less than the density of water, it will float; if greater it will sink

Why does volume and mass affect whether an object will float or sink in water.?

An object will float in water if its density is less than that of water, because the buoyant force acting on it will be greater than its weight. Mass and volume determine an object's density, with density being a measure of how much mass is in a given volume. Objects with lower density than water will float, while those with higher density will sink.

Can you use volume alone to predict whether an object will sink or float?

Calculate the density (mass divided by volume) of your object. If the density is less than that of water - which has a density of about 1000 kg per cubic meter - then it will float; if the density of your object is more, it will sink.

What determines if an object will sink or float in water?

An object will sink in water if its density is greater than that of water. If the density of the object is less than that of water, it will float. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume, so objects with more mass in a smaller volume will sink, while objects with less mass spread out over a larger volume will float.

If you the mass and volume of an object how can you predict whether it will float or sink in water?

Calculate the density (mass divided by volume) of your object. If the density is less than that of water - which has a density of about 1000 kg per cubic meter - then it will float; if the density of your object is more, it will sink.

A cube measuring 2cm on each side weights 5g will it sink or float?

Calculate its volume. Divide mass by volume to get its density. Compare that to the density of water - assuming you want to figure out whether it will float or sink in water.

If a 5.0cm3 sample of aluminum has a mass of 13.5grams will float in water?

No, the sample will not float in water because aluminum has a greater density than water (2.7 g/cm3 for aluminum vs. 1.0 g/cm3 for water). Objects with a density greater than that of water will sink in water.