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Honestly, was the THC worth having to drink 2 gallons of cranberry juice

and 3 gallons of water afterwards ?

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Q: Will drinking 2 gallons of cranbrry juice and 3 gallons of water flush out THC?
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How do you flush THC from urine in 24hrs?

its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining

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Empty cups = 0 gallons of juice, but you can get 3 gallons of juice into the 48 empty cups

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No, but it does flush the juice from the fruits and veggies.

If you have 42 gallons of orange juice and 18 gallons of cranberry juice what is the largest amount of juice that each container can hold of each kind of juice?

30. 30.

Will drinking water with baking soda and fresh lemon juice flush out marijuana out of your system?

Testing has proven drinking water, baking soda, and fresh or bottled lemon juice will NOT flush marijuana use out from your system and can be easily be detected in a urine sample. However it is said with the addition of eye drops to a urine sample, borderline users (Not heavy users) can alter and hide the use of marijuana because THC molecules can envelop, to effectively hide them from chemical detection.

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Drinking orange juice?

What's the question?

How many gallons of orange juice in a pound?

It depends on the concentration of the juice.

What is the amount of orange juice as a mixed number of gallons if Bob counted 27 half-gallons of orange juice in his store?


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It depends if a wood chuck is chucking wood near by!

Does drinking lime juice help get marijuana out of your system?

Yes, lemonade will help get THC out of your system. But it is nowhere near the best way. Of course there are many products available on the market that can help but many of those are expensive and some make false claims. A good way to get rid of THC in your system is to drink lots of water, about 2-3 gallons a day, and drink cranberry juice. Water will flush your system and the cranberry juice will help to detox the THC from your fat cells. About 4-5 glasses of juice a day will do the trick. This will greatly speed up the time it takes for THC to get out of your system.

How many quarts of water should be added to 2 gallons of juice if you want it to be 40 percent juice?

If the new mixture is 40% juice then it is 60% water.The ratio of juice to water is therefore 40 : 60 = 2 : 3So, for every 2 parts juice then 3 parts water are needed.2 gallons of juice then requires 3 gallons of water.3 gallons water = 3 x 4 = 12 quarts water.