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Q: Will the sampling distribution of x ̅ always be approximately normally distributed?
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Is a normally distributed variable needed to have a normally distributed sampling distribution.?

Yes, it is.

What will the sampling distribution of the mean be if a population is normally distribution?

Also normally distributed.

Will the sampling distribution of the mean always be approximatelly normally distributed?

Yes, and more so for larger samples. (It follows from the Central Limit Theorem.)

Concept of Probability sampling and chi square test?

A probability sampling method is any method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection. See: The simple random sample is an assumption when the chi-square distribution is used as the sampling distribution of the calculated variance (s^2). The second assumption is that the particular variable is normally distributed. It may not be in the sample, but it is assumed that the variable is normally distributed in the population. For a very good discussion of the chi-square test, see:

When may the sampling distribution of x̅ be considered to be approximately normal?

the standard deviation of the population(sigma)/square root of sampling mean(n)

What is the mean of the sampling distribution equal to?

The mean of the sampling distribution is the population mean.

True or False A sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic?

The statement is true that a sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic.

What distribution is a sampling distribution referring to?

A sampling distribution refers to the distribution from which data relating to a population follows. Information about the sampling distribution plus other information about the population can be inferred by appropriate analysis of samples taken from a distribution.

What is the meaning of acronym CLT?

The acronym CLT commonly stands for "Central Limit Theorem," a fundamental concept in statistics that states regardless of the shape of the population distribution, the sampling distribution of the sample mean will be approximately normally distributed for large sample sizes.

What is a sampling distribution?

The sampling distribution for a statistic is the distribution of the statistic across all possible samples of that specific size which can be drawn from the population.

The shape of the sampling distribution is always approximately normal?

welll its quiet simple to be honest 1st ASK YOUR TEACHER! that's what they are there for

In an SRS of size n what is true about the sampling distributions of p when the sample size n increases?

As n increases the sampling distribution of pˆ (p hat) becomes approximately normal.