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Q: Write a C programme for area of rectangle?
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There will be a function in it like this: double RectangleArea (double a, double b) { return a*b; }

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Write a c sharp program to find the area of square?

include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int length, breadth, area ; printf("\n Enter the length & breadth of a Rectangle"); scanf("d",&length,&breadth); area=length*breadth; printf("\n Area of the Rectangle=%d",area); getch(); }

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I don't use that function in C programme.

Write a C program to find the area and perimeter of you square ii rectangle?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float length, breadth, area, perimeter; printf("Enter the length & breadth of a Rectangle\n(length breadth): "); scanf("%f %f",&length,&breadth); area=length*breadth; perimeter=2*(length+breadth); printf(" Area of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",area); printf("Perimeter of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",perimeter); printf("(Press ENTER to exit.)"); getch(); printf("\n"); }

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#include(stdio.h) int main ()

How do you write a c programme for elecricity bill?

Write your program and if you are having a problem post it here with a description of the problem you are having. What you are asking is for someone to do your homework for you.

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#include <stdio.h> int main (void) { puts ("abcdefedcba"); return 0; }