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Q: Write a polynomial function of minimum degree with real coefficients whose zeros include those listed. Write the polynomial in standard form. 2 -4 and 1 plus 3i?
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How alike the polynomial and non polynomial?

"Non-polynomial" can mean just about anything... How alike it is with the polynomial depends on what specifically you choose to include.

What are the properties of rational functions?

Such functions are defined as one polynomial divided by another polynomial. Their properties include that they are defined at all points, except when the denominator is zero. Also, such functions are continuous at all points where they are defined; and all their derivatives exist at any point where they are defined.For more details, I suggest you read the Wikipedia article - or some other source - on "Rational function".

If a polynomial is the difference of two squares?

No, a polynomial is the sum of any two monomials, i.e., any two terms, for example, a + b, a - b, a2 + b2, x2y -3, etc. ("Sum" may include negative terms.)No, a polynomial is the sum of any two monomials, i.e., any two terms, for example, a + b, a - b, a2 + b2, x2y -3, etc. ("Sum" may include negative terms.)No, a polynomial is the sum of any two monomials, i.e., any two terms, for example, a + b, a - b, a2 + b2, x2y -3, etc. ("Sum" may include negative terms.)No, a polynomial is the sum of any two monomials, i.e., any two terms, for example, a + b, a - b, a2 + b2, x2y -3, etc. ("Sum" may include negative terms.)

What is polynomia?

A polynomial is a math expression that has a sum of terms, each of the terms include a variable or variables multiplied by a coefficient and raised to a power.

How do you calcuate standard deviation?

A worked out example is shown in the related link. There are a number of calculators that do this automatically. Also, the Excel program (and most other spreadsheet programs) include a standard deviation function. In Excel, it is +stdev(a1:a10) for a list of numbers from a1 to a10.

Related questions

Write a polynomial degree with real coefficients whose zeros include 13 plus i and 2 Write the polynomial degree in standard form?

To have a zero at 2, you need to include a factor (x - 2). To have a zero at 13 + i, you need a factor (x - (13 + i)). To have real coefficients, for each non-real factor you need to include its complex conjugate, so in this case, (x + 13 + i).Thus, you have the factors: (x - 2)(x - (13 + i))(x + 13 + i) You can multiply the factors together to get the polynomial into standard form. I suggest you start with the complex conjugates, that makes it easier.

What is the different of polynomial and non-polynomial?

Briefly: A polynomial consists only of powers of the variables - ie the variables multiplied by themselves or one another. A non polynomial can include any other function such as trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic etc.

What are the alike of polynomial and non-polynomial?

That depends a lot on what you choose to include in "non-polynomial" - it can be just about anything. If you are referring to functions, what they have in common is anything that defines a function - mainly, the fact that for every value of an independent variable, a unique value is defined for the independent variable.

How alike the polynomial and non polynomial?

"Non-polynomial" can mean just about anything... How alike it is with the polynomial depends on what specifically you choose to include.

What are the two kinds of coefficients?

In terms of mathematics, a coefficient plays the role of a multiplicative factor in a series or an expression. The two different kinds of coefficients include numbers and letters.

What does polynomial with rational coefficients mean?

Let's define this question one word at a time. A polynomial is an equation with the variable x raised to whole number powers other than 0. This may include 2x + 3, or x2 - 8x + 16, or even x5 - 4x3 + 9. Coefficients are the numbers multiplied by the x term in question. The term 6x3 has a coefficient of 6, the term -x/2 has a coefficient of -1/2 and the term x2 has a coefficient of 1. Rational numbers are those which can be written as a ratio, or a fraction. This means its decimal notation will either have a finite amount of digits, like 0.625 (5/8), or a repeating series of decimals, e.g. 2.16666... or 13/6. Rational numbers can only be formed with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division - this means it excludes functions like taking the square root, the sine, or the log of a number. In summary, a polynomial with rational coefficients is an expression with multiple terms, such as ax2 + bx + c, where the coefficients 'a' and 'b' (and typically 'c' as well, as it is the coefficient of x0 which is 1 by definition, and is therefore being multiplied by 1) are rational numbers. This can extend to mean a polynomial of any degree, be it linear (x), cubic (x3), quartic (x4) or anything higher - so long as the coefficients of all the x terms are rational.

What is the difference between polynomial and non polynomial?

A polynomial is a sum of monomials - and each monomial may only contain non-negative integer powers of the variables involved. If any other operation is involved (for example, a negative or fractional exponent; equivalent to a variable in the denominator, or a root), you have a non-polynomial.

Will the sum of two polynomials always be a polynomial?

Yes. Note that specifically, the sum might be a constant (just a number), or even zero, but it is convenient to include those in the definition of "polynomial".

What are the properties of rational functions?

Such functions are defined as one polynomial divided by another polynomial. Their properties include that they are defined at all points, except when the denominator is zero. Also, such functions are continuous at all points where they are defined; and all their derivatives exist at any point where they are defined.For more details, I suggest you read the Wikipedia article - or some other source - on "Rational function".

How do you include mysql header file in to turbo C to make connection?

Standard C does not provide such a function; it does not even require you to have an internet connection.

What is the difference between simple program and function in C?

A function is a piece of code that has no or more arguments, that returns no or one value. A program is code that implements the function int main(int argc, char** argv). As such, a function and a program are the same, but the program also includes compiler directives to "include" other things, such as standard headers, i.e. #include .

What steps are required to locate math.h in C plus plus?

To find math.h, simply include it ... #include <math.h> ... The compiler knows where the standard libraries are. This is a function of where the compiler is installed, and varies from system to system. By using the carets (< and >) you are telling the compiler to look in the "standard" places.