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it is a[i][j][k][l]; so in pointer reference: *(*(*(*(*(a+i)+j))+k)+l)

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Q: Write down the equivalent pointer expression for referring the same element aijkl?
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A linked list is a set of elements, usually structures, where each element contains a pointer or index to the "next" element, along with the data represented by the element.Often, the elements are allocated from the heap. Sometimes, a fixed number of elements is contained in an array. In the first case, pointers are used. In the second case, indices are used.Types of linked lists are ... In an array implementation, read pointer as index.Singly linked - there is a head pointer, and one next pointer per element. The last element's pointer is null. This type of list can be traversed in only one direction.Doubly linked - there is a head pointer, and each element contains two pointers, one to the previous element and one to the next element. This type of list can be traversed in two directions, making insertion and deletion a bit easier, at the cost of extra memory.Circularly linked - the same as Singly or Doubly linked, except that the last element's pointer points back to the first element's pointer. These types of lists are often used as queues.

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What pointer points to the next free element?

Presumably you are referring to the next unused element of an array. If your array contains unused elements then it is up to you, the programmer, to keep track of them. Typically you will do this by placing all unused elements at the end of the array. Knowing the array's overall capacity (in elements) and the number of elements that are currently in use, it is trivial to compute the address of the next free element; there is no need to maintain a separate pointer. Perhaps you are referring to the (call) stack pointer. Call stacks are defined by the system. In 8086 architecture, the call stack is a fixed-length region of contiguous memory addresses allocated to a thread (every thread has its own call stack). The call stack extends downwards into lower memory addresses. The stack pointer (SP) register refers to the last element pushed onto the stack (the lowest used address). Note that it cannot possibly refer to the next unused element given that the length of an unused element cannot be determined until an element is actually pushed onto the stack. That is, if the element being pushed were 2 addresses (or bytes) in length, the SP will be decremented by 2 addresses and the new element will be placed at the new address. When we subsequently pop that element, the SP is simply incremented by 2 addresses.

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