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No. Since velocity is a vector, the direction of the magnitude (speed) is also relevent. First which car is moving in a positive direction (either is correct) --- v = +70 km/h. Since the other car is moving in the opposite direction, its velocity is -70 km/h.

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Q: You are in a car going 70 km per hour and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 km per hour Do both cars have the same velocity Explain?
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You are in a car going 70 km h and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 km h Do both cars have the same velocity Explain?

You already answered the question. Both cars are traveling at 70kmph, which is the same velocity.

You are in a car going 70 kmh and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 kmh. do both cars have the same velocity?

No. Velocity is a vector, so it has both a magnitude and a direction. If the velocity of your car was heading in the positive direction, then the other car is moving in the negative direction. The velocities are NOT the same!

What is another word for measure of speed and direction?

Velocity A Vector is the measurement of velocity and direction.

Can momentum have a negative velocity?

No, momentum can not have a negative velocity. Velocity is the rate of motion of a body from one position to another position in a particular direction. Bodies traveling in opposite directions may appear to have a negative velocity in relationship to each other but any amount of velocity is positive.

Why can velocity be positive or negitave?

Velocity can be a positive or a negative because velocity is a vector, which means it is also affected by direction. This that if one car is going +10 m/s and another is travelling at -10 m/s, this means that they are travelling the same speed in opposite directions.

The speedometer of a car moving to the east reads 100km per hr and it passes another car that moves to the west at 100km per hr so do both cars have the same velocity please explain?

Velocity is direction and speed so the vehicle do not have the same velocity

What is the result if you subtract a velocity vector to another velocity vector?

The result will also be a velocity vector. Draw the first vector. From its tip draw the negative of the second vector ( ie a vector with the same magnitude but opposite direction). The the resultant would be the vector with the same starting point as the first vector and the same endpoint as the second. If the two vectors are equal but opposite, you end up with the null velocity vector.

Is the velocity of 3ms greater than -4ms mathematically?

No. If you are talking about "velocity", then you are talking about magnitude and direction - i.e., vectors. You can't really compare vectors, in the sense of one vector being greater than another; but you can compare their magnitudes - and the magnitude is always non-negative. In this sense, you can't even have a "velocity of minus 4 m/s" - you would have a "velocity of 4 m/s in a certain direction".

One object has a velocity of -4 feet per second another has 3 feet per second which is greater?

The object with the velocity of -4 feet per second is going faster than the other, but in the opposite direction, hence the minus sign.

What is meant by negative vector?

It is a vector that has the opposite direction to the reference positive direction. (A vector is one point in space relative to another.) Negative vector is the opposite direction

What is the word for the direction of an object in relation to another object?

Relative vector of velocity. "Bearing" is another possibility.

Adding a force acting in one direction to a force in another direction is the same as adding a?

as adding a ".... in the opposite direction.