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Q: You heard about betty page who lost 42 pounds in 3 months?
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If you weigh 165 pounds how to lose 60?

i had problems with weight myself so i heard of a product called herbalife it really works in just 3 months i have i lost 56 pounds. i would recommend it

What are the release dates for Katie - 2012 How Trisha Yearwood Lost 30 Pounds in 4 Months 1-162?

Katie - 2012 How Trisha Yearwood Lost 30 Pounds in 4 Months 1-162 was released on: USA: 29 May 2013

How much weight can you lose with gastric sleeve procedure?

I've lost 58 pounds in 3 1/2 months!

You have been working out every day for about 3 months and you have lost 9 pounds in three weeks since you stopped working out could you have already lost that much muscle mass?

Your body was used to working out, I stopped lifting for not even a week because i was sick and i lost about 4 pounds of muscle.

How do you convert pounds lost into percentage?

pounds lost/original weight times 100 Say you weighed 200 pounds and lost 10 pounds, then the percent pounds lost is 10/200 x 100 = 5%

Is it normal to lose weight when you are not trying. I have lost 25 pounds in 3 months?

Well it depends on your diet. If you are not on a diet it could be because of changes foodwise

Can you lose fat by doing exercises?

yes, exercise is very good to lose weight i lost 30 pounds in 2 months to squat thrusts.

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Im 13 years old im 5'7 i weigh 173 pounds it healthy and possible to lose 30 pounds in 2 months?

well i say yes but it would be hard to my friend lost like 5 pounds by doing lots of crunches.

Are mini thins fat burners any good for losing weight?

yes they are good i took them for energy and have lost a total of 85 pounds in several months off them

Does slim 4 life work?

YES! It absolutely does as long as you stick to plan I lost 30 pounds in a few short months and recommend this for someone who is really ready to do it!

What is the movie that has Betty White in it and her husband is in a war and never returns?

The Lost Valentine