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Q: You toss two dice 1000 times How many times do you expect to have the sum of the two dice equal to 4?
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You toss two dice 1000 times How many times do you expect to have the sum of the two dice equal to 7?

There are two dice with 6 side each. The probability of any single unique outcome is 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/36 Now the question becomes how many ways can you roll a 7 using two dice. It might be easiest to just show this as a table: 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 So there are 6 ways to roll a 7 using two dice. That means the probability of rolling a 7 is 6/36 = 1/6. Finally, to answer the question, we will multiply the probability of success (getting 7) with the number of attempts (how many times you rolled the dice). This equals 1/6 * 1000 = 166.66... or in real-life terms: 167 (remember that in real life no-one has 2.5 children)

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If a 6 sided dice is rolled 12 times how many times would you expect to roll a 6?

36 times. But also, you might get the opposite result 36 times.

If you roll a dice 300 times about how many times would you expect it to land on 5?

1/6 of all outcomes should be a 5. 300*1/6=50 This is the answer regardless of what you are rolling for. You would find whatever number you want and average about 50 times if you were to roll the dice 300 times. You might not get exactly 50, but it won't be far from that. There are faces on a die, and the odds of any one of those 6 numbers showing up is 1 out of 6 times. The above is only true if the dice are not rigged in any way ("loaded dice"). Now, if only one number likes to keep coming up, you might be dealing with loaded dice. In that case, the dice are made for cheating and the mathematical laws of average no longer apply.

If a 6 sided dice is rolled 12 times how many times would you expect to roll a prime number?

36 times. But also, you might get the opposite result 36 times.

Why would you expect the numbers 1 to 6 in a dice to appear the most often?

because most dice only have numbers 1 to 6 on them

What is the probability that the sum of the two dice is greater than or equal to 20?

With standard dice, zero.

What is answer to Beth throws a die 80 times. Write an estimate of the number of times that you would expect Beth to throw a 6?

If the dice or die are 6 sided, then you would most likely roll a 6 13.33333 times, which rounds to 13.

What number on a dice if bigger than or equal to 4?

you have a 50% chance of getting a four or more on a dice.

What is Dice coggers?

A dice cogger is a person who use to 'dice' people up in the Elizabethan times as a form of punishment, which resulted in death.