Well, this will depend on the length of the sides of the triangle for what postulate or theorem you will be using.
Theorem: A Proven Statement. Postulate: An Accepted Statement without Proof. They mean similar things. A postulate is an unproven statement that is considered to be true; however a theorem is simply a statement that may be true or false, but only considered to be true if it has been proven.
Theorem 8.11 in what book?
The first thing you prove about congruent triangles are triangles that have same side lines (SSS) is congruent. (some people DEFINE congruent that way). You just need to show AAS is equivalent or implies SSS and you are done. That's the first theorem I thought of, don't know if it works though, not a geometry major.
Postulates are assumed to be true and we need not prove them. They provide the starting point for the proof of a theorem. A theorem is a proposition that can be deduced from postulates. We make a series of logical arguments using these postulates to prove a theorem. For example, visualize two angles, two parallel lines and a single slanted line through the parallel lines. Angle one, on the top, above the first parallel line is an obtuse angle. Angle two below the second parallel line is acute. These two angles are called Exterior angles. They are proved and is therefore a theorem.
AAS (apex)
Gram crackers
Asa /sss
HL congruence theorem
i got AAS for apex on this question...
Well, this will depend on the length of the sides of the triangle for what postulate or theorem you will be using.
We cannot determine without seeing the data for PRS & QRS. My guess though would be ASA Though it could also be SSS
Assuming a geometry in which Euclid's Fifth Postulate is considered true... Yes, someone can prove that.