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Yes, but only if any language in NP has small uniform circuits.

Hope this helps. This is a famous unsolved problem, as whoever posted it here probably knows. A prize of one million US dollars has been offered for a solution. There are details at At the top right of this page there is a link to the "Official problem description" by Stephen Cook, one of the people who first posed the problem in 1971, and also a more informal description under the heading "Minesweeper". Anyone who solves this problem will get not only a million dollars, but also enduring fame among mathematicians and computer scientists. It won't be easy, since a lot of clever people have worked on it since 1971. Most people believe that P is not equal to NP, but a belief is not the same as a proof.

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Q: Does P equal NP
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Only in certain circumstances:The probability of success, p, in each trial must be close to 0.Then, for the random variable, X = number of successes in n trials, the mean is npand the variance is np(1-p). But since p is close to 0, (1-p) is close to 1 and so np(1-p) is close to np.That is, the mean of the distribution is close to its variance. This is a characteristic of the Poisson distribution.Furthermore, the other characteristics of the distribution: constant probability, independence are met so the Binomial can be approximated by the Poisson.It is possible to prove this analytically but the limitations of this browser - especially in terms of mathematical notation - preclude that.Only in certain circumstances:The probability of success, p, in each trial must be close to 0.Then, for the random variable, X = number of successes in n trials, the mean is npand the variance is np(1-p). But since p is close to 0, (1-p) is close to 1 and so np(1-p) is close to np.That is, the mean of the distribution is close to its variance. This is a characteristic of the Poisson distribution.Furthermore, the other characteristics of the distribution: constant probability, independence are met so the Binomial can be approximated by the Poisson.It is possible to prove this analytically but the limitations of this browser - especially in terms of mathematical notation - preclude that.Only in certain circumstances:The probability of success, p, in each trial must be close to 0.Then, for the random variable, X = number of successes in n trials, the mean is npand the variance is np(1-p). But since p is close to 0, (1-p) is close to 1 and so np(1-p) is close to np.That is, the mean of the distribution is close to its variance. This is a characteristic of the Poisson distribution.Furthermore, the other characteristics of the distribution: constant probability, independence are met so the Binomial can be approximated by the Poisson.It is possible to prove this analytically but the limitations of this browser - especially in terms of mathematical notation - preclude that.Only in certain circumstances:The probability of success, p, in each trial must be close to 0.Then, for the random variable, X = number of successes in n trials, the mean is npand the variance is np(1-p). But since p is close to 0, (1-p) is close to 1 and so np(1-p) is close to np.That is, the mean of the distribution is close to its variance. This is a characteristic of the Poisson distribution.Furthermore, the other characteristics of the distribution: constant probability, independence are met so the Binomial can be approximated by the Poisson.It is possible to prove this analytically but the limitations of this browser - especially in terms of mathematical notation - preclude that.

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