Computer's only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computer's understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
A computer only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computers have zero IQ. Computer can understand or feel "High voltage" or "Low voltage" or you can say, on and off. Computers use '0' for low voltage and '1' for high voltage. by using the conbinations of '0' and '1' all numbers and characters are classified. for example- if you have to write 'A', It is represented in ASCII code assigned to it and then converted to binary, hence use it.
36,000 = (3 x 104) + (6 x 103) + (0 x 102) + (0 x 101) + (0 x 100)
Use the binary system.
Ithink it's called binary Ithink it's called binary
The mainframe of computer is counting "0" and "1". The computer just counts these numbers and the user does everything with it.
Counting, using the binary system. Logic 1 and 0 representing electric current on and off.
Start counting from 0 to 9. Stop when you reach the number 1.
When computers went digital and moved into the modern times they have been running on Ones and Zeros. What we humans call the number 10 to a computer is 00001010. The computers way allows it to do calculations very quickly, very fast simply by the presents (1) or absents (0) of electricity.
Computer Memory is made of electrical circuits which can either be "on" or "off". Binary is a counting system that uses just "1" and "0". Thus one can map "0" to "off" and "1" to "on" and directly store Binary representations in computer memory circuits.
The number 0 has no value.Therefore it is not a counting number.
A wire can only be a '1' or a '0' (high voltage and low voltage). Binary is the most efficient way of storing information using 1's and 0's.
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