All composite numbers can be expressed as unique products of prime numbers. This is accomplished by dividing the original number and its factors by prime numbers until all the factors are prime. A factor tree can help you visualize this.
Example: 210
210 Divide by two.
105,2 Divide by three.
35,3,2 Divide by five.
7,5,3,2 Stop. All the factors are prime.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
That's the prime factorization of 210.
All composite numbers can be expressed as unique products of prime numbers. This is accomplished by dividing the original number and its factors by prime numbers until all the factors are prime. A factor tree can help you visualize this.
Example: 210
210 Divide by two.
105,2 Divide by three.
35,3,2 Divide by five.
7,5,3,2 Stop. All the factors are prime.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
That's the prime factorization of 210.
All composite numbers can be expressed as unique products of prime numbers. This is accomplished by dividing the original number and its factors by prime numbers until all the factors are prime. A factor tree can help you visualize this.
Example: 210
210 Divide by two.
105,2 Divide by three.
35,3,2 Divide by five.
7,5,3,2 Stop. All the factors are prime.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
That's the prime factorization of 210.
83 is prime. No tree.
it is about charting up a factor tree and seeing the end branches and then take the frequent occurring number and whola. the scarecrow
61 is already prime. It doesn't need a tree.
When the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers.
The purpose of a factor tree is to divide a number into prime factors. 1 is not a prime number.
A factor tree is a way to notate the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number.
IT IS PRIME there is no factor tree
Factor tree of 204
factor tree of 216
The factor tree of 50:5025,25,5,25025,25,5,2
83 is prime. No tree.
there is NO factor tree (prime factorization) of 29.
The prime factor tree of 280 is:140,270,2,235,2,2,27,5,2,2,2
Factor Tree of 20: ........20 ......../ \ .......4 5 ....../ \ .....2 2
A tree.
it is about charting up a factor tree and seeing the end branches and then take the frequent occurring number and whola. the scarecrow