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put the soda in a bucket of ice and water and salt stir the bucket takes about 1-2 minuetes

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Q: What is the fastest way to cool off a soda and why?
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What it is the fastest way to do home work?

the fastest way to do homework is to not hesitate and put it off. Do not leave the spot of where you are doing it unless you absolutely have to. ask your teacher for homework early or if it is not handed out then just do it early. then you will not have to do it more often.

What are survival strategies for desert animals?

Nocturnal, big ears for hares to cool off bodies(Air Conditioning in a weird way)

What is the fastest way to cycle in cup stacking?

you have to be stupet

What is the fastest way to learn algebra?

Go to school

What is the fastest way for poison to infect the body?


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What can you write as conclusion for the project on what's the fastest way to cool a soda?

Our data shows that the fastest way to cool a soda is when you place it into an ice in water bath. This shows that our hypothesis was correct, which states that the fastest way to cool a soda was the ice in water bath.

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What the fastest way to cool a soda?

The fasest way to cool a soda is to put it in a cooler with ice or fill it up with cold water or just put it in a fridge

What can you write as conclusion for the project on wshat's the fastest way to cool a soda?

Spell check your answer

What is the fastest way to cool soda?

The fastest way to cool soda is to place it in a container filled with ice water and salt. The salt lowers the freezing point of the water, allowing the soda to cool more quickly. Alternatively, you can also place the soda in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes, but be careful not to leave it in for too long to avoid it freezing and exploding.

What is the independent variable in what's the fastest way to cool a soda?

I keep my soda's outside in the garage. But i live in Texas so my sodas get really hot. and wen you pore it into a glass of ice it becomes watery. The best way is to put the can in some tuperware and fill it with ice and water then add salt...... (the salt lowers the fresing temp of water) then put it in the freeser and wait 20 min. and you have a soda the it 2 degrees above freezeing. You don't need to wait 20 minutes. I believe that it would take less than 3 minutes to cool a soda in this way. If you move the soda around in the ice-salt-water it will cool even faster (around 1 minute). It was proven in Myth-busters (Ep 29) that salt water and ice took 5 min to cool a six pack to 35.9 degrees F. I am unaware of the water to ice to salt ratios. The fastest way to cool your soda is to put them in ice and water in a cooler. So making it cold will make it cold.

What is the fastest way of cooling a soda?

spraying it with a c02 fire extinguisher

What is the fastest way to cool a soda at a hot temperature?

The fastest way to cool a soda at a hot temperature is to place it in a bowl of ice water and add salt to the mixture. The salt lowers the freezing point of the water, speeding up the cooling process. Alternatively, you can place the soda in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes for a quick chill.

Fastest way to decarbonize a soda?

The fastest way to decarbonize a soda is by shaking or stirring it vigorously to release the carbon dioxide gas trapped in the liquid. Be cautious when opening the lid to prevent the soda from fizzing over.

What is the fastes way to cool a drink?

The fastest way to cool a drink might be to place it in the freezer for a few minutes.

What is the fastest way to cool beer?

The fastest way to cool beer is to place it in a container filled with ice and water, and then add salt to the mixture. The salt lowers the freezing point of the water, allowing the beer to cool more quickly.