They're already melted if they are in the liquid state.
The fastest way to cool a soda at a hot temperature is to place it in a bowl of ice water and add salt to the mixture. The salt lowers the freezing point of the water, speeding up the cooling process. Alternatively, you can place the soda in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes for a quick chill.
Running or sprinting would be the fastest way to get across a room.
Diet Coke tends to dissolve chalk the fastest due to its high acidity and carbonation levels. The carbonation helps break down the chalk, while the phosphoric acid in Diet Coke further aids in its dissolution.
The fastest way to rust a paper clip would be to use a solution that is acidic, such as vinegar or soda. Both vinegar and soda contain acids that can accelerate the rusting process by breaking down the protective layer on the paper clip. Water alone is less likely to rust the paper clip quickly because it lacks the acidic properties that promote rapid corrosion.
Our data shows that the fastest way to cool a soda is when you place it into an ice in water bath. This shows that our hypothesis was correct, which states that the fastest way to cool a soda was the ice in water bath.
Drink it
spraying it with a c02 fire extinguisher
The fasest way to cool a soda is to put it in a cooler with ice or fill it up with cold water or just put it in a fridge
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"Chill Out: Exploring the Fastest Method to Freeze Soda"
put the soda in a bucket of ice and water and salt stir the bucket takes about 1-2 minuetes
mountain dew
The fastest way to cool soda is to place it in a container filled with ice water and salt. The salt lowers the freezing point of the water, allowing the soda to cool more quickly. Alternatively, you can also place the soda in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes, but be careful not to leave it in for too long to avoid it freezing and exploding.
baking soda because it is in finer particles.