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f(x) = 2x - 2 or 2*(x-1)

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What is the function of the NOT logic gate?

The NOT gate is also called an "inverter", as its output is always the complement of the input. That is, if the input is TRUE then the output is FALSE else the output is TRUE end if). Its implementation electronically is not much different than that of an analog inverting amplifier, except that the gate is deliberately designed to operate nonlinear and change rapidly from one state to another.

How do you check an inverter circuit?

An inverter logic device is characterized by an P-channel BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor internally. This simply means by applying an logic HIGH on input X will result in logic LOW on output Y. The Boolean expression for this device is X NOT Y . (XY') INPUT X | OUTPUT Y ---------------------------- 1 | 0 0 | 1 1 = HIGH +5 Vdc 0 = LOW +0 Vdc Testing: Simple Logic Probe connected to Vcc and Gnd

How do you draw state diagram for rs flip flop?

state diagram of d flip flop is same as applied input it means. >if you are going to 0 to 0 than Qn =0 >if you are going to 0 to 1 than Qn= 1 >if you are going to 1 to 0 than Qn = 0 >if you are going to 1 to 1 than Qn= 1 we saw that output is equivalent to applied current input. ANSWER: There are no diagrams but rather function MAPS where is every input/ output is taken care of its ambiguity to respond.

What will be the algorithm to input n integers and output the largest one?

var largest : integer largest = array[0] for n : integer in array if n > largest largest = n endif endfor return largest

How to convert nor GATEto not gate?

This is made by joining the inputs of a NOR gate. As a NOR gate is equivalent to an OR gate leading to NOT gate, this automatically sees to the "OR" part of the NOR gate, eliminating it from consideration and leaving only the NOT part. Truth Table Input A Output Q 0 1 1 0

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Write a C program to implement relocatable loader?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct object_code { int locctr; char add[10]; }obcode[300]; void main() { char input[100][16],output[100][16],binary[20],address[20],stloc[10]; int len,bitmask,loc,tlen=0,tloc,textloc,i=0,location,j,k,count=0,start,n,num=0,inc=0; FILE *fp1,*fp2; clrscr(); fp1=fopen("linput.dat","r"); fp2=fopen("reloadout.dat","w"); printf("Enter the location where the program has to be loaded:"); scanf("%s",stloc); start=atoi(stloc); location=start; tloc=start; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); while(strcmp(input[i],"T")!=0) { strcpy(output[i],input[i]); i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); strcpy(output[i],input[i]); } itoa(start,output[2],10); while(strcmp(input[i],"E")!=0) { strcpy(output[i],input[i]); if(strcmp(input[i],"T")==0) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); strcpy(output[i],input[i]); } bitmask=atoi(output[i]); itoa(bitmask,binary,2); strcpy(output[i],NULL); textloc=atoi(output[i-2]); textloc=textloc+start; itoa(textloc,output[i-2],10); for(n=0;n<(textloc-(tloc+tlen));n++) { strcpy(obcode[inc].add,"xx"); obcode[inc++].locctr=location++; } tlen=atoi(output[i-1]); tloc=textloc; k=0; } else { if(binary[k]==1) { num=0; len=strlen(output[i]); strcpy(address,NULL); for(j=2;j<len;j++) { address[num]=output[i][j]; output[i][j]='\0'; num++; } loc=atoi(address); loc=loc+start; itoa(loc,address,10); strcat(output[i],address); } k++; len=strlen(output[i]); num=0; for(n=0;n<len;n++) { obcode[inc].add[num++]=output[i][n]; if(num>1) { obcode[inc++].locctr=location++; num=0; } } } i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); } strcpy(output[i],input[i]); i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); loc=atoi(input[i]); loc=loc+start; strcpy(output[i],itoa(loc,address,10)); count=0; i=0; n=0; fprintf(fp2,"%d\t",obcode[n].locctr); for(n=0;n<inc;n++) { fprintf(fp2,"%s",obcode[n].add); i++; if(i>3) { fprintf(fp2,"\t"); i=0; count++; } if(count>3) { fprintf(fp2,"\n%d\t",obcode[n+1].locctr); count=0; } } getch(); }

What is a not gate in electronics?

A not gate is a logical gate which inverts a digital signal. If the input to a not gate is 1, then the output will be 0. If the input is 0, then the output will be 1.

Truth table for 3 input xnor gate?

A, B and C are inputs, Q is output.A B C Q0 0 0 10 0 1 00 1 0 00 1 1 11 0 0 01 0 1 11 1 0 11 1 1 0*update*Although the Logism software shows the 3 input XNOR gate output 1 when all 3 are 1, perhaps there is a mistake, and 3 input of 1,1,1 in an XNOR gateoutputs 0. There is a good reason why. In an XOR gate, an even amount of 1 or 0 input will output a 0, and an odd input of 1 (ie: 1, 1, 1) will output a 1. The truth tablefor an XOR gate with 1, 1, 1 input is an output of 1. An XNOR gate will output the opposite of an XOR gate, thus XNOR input of1, 1, 1 should output 0.

Is if the output of the systemis 0 for 0 input it means the system is linear?

No, it does not necessarily mean that the system is linear. A linear system will exhibit a constant scaling property, which means that if the input is multiplied by a constant, the output will also be multiplied by the same constant. It is possible for a system to have an output of zero for a zero input, but still be non-linear if it does not exhibit the scaling property.

What is the difference between OR gate and NOR gate?

In AND gate , if through both the terminals minimum values were send then the output will be 0 . if either one of the input is maximum , then the output will be 0 , meanwhile if both the input were 1 then the output will be 1 .In OR gate , if both the input are 0 then the output will be 0, but if either the input is 1 then the output will be 1,when both the inputs are 1 then the output will be 1 .

Why is the and gate called the and gate?

Because if input A *and* input B is true, then the output is true! Truth table of AND gate: ┌─┬─╥───────┐ │A│B║Q (Output)│ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │0│0║0..............│ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │0│1║0............. │ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │1│0║0............. │ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │1│1║1............. │ └─┴─╨───────┘

Which is not a gate?

Its truth table is: input output 0 1 1 0

What is the truth table of a inverter?

Input Output 0 1 1 0

What is input output and error in Linux?

0 1 2

What happens to the decoder's output if G1 is grounded?

if G1 is the output the output is 0. If G1 is the input then you must follow the logic to determine the output.

How can IC 74190 will give output freq as 50Hz?

The 74190 is an up/down decade counter. Counters use frequency division to achieve a counting sequence. To answer your question, it depends on the input frequency. The Qa output will divide the clock input by 2 so if the input is 100Hz, Qa's output is 50Hz. Since this is a decade (0 to 9, or truncated sequence) counter and not a binary (0 to 15, or full sequence) counter, the outputs Qb, Qc and Qd divide the input but their outputs are not symmetrical (equal time high and time low). Qb and Qc produce 2 pulses for every 10 input pulses, therefore divide the input clock by 5. Qd produces one output pulse for every 10 input pulses, therefore divides the input by 10. The easiest way to visualize this is to write out the binary count in column format, starting at 0000 and ending at 1001, and looking at each of the output patterns. To produce the 50Hz output, assuming you are not concerned over symmetry: -input clock 100Hz for 50 Hz on Qa -input clock 250Hz for Qb or Qc output of 50Hz -input clock 500Hz for Qd output of 50Hz

Give two ways of converting a two input NAND gate to an inverter?

Connect both inputs of the NAND gate together to form a single input. Tie one input of the NAND gate to a logic high (Vcc) and connect the other input to the desired input signal.