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Q: What is the next three numbers greater than 10 that have only two factors?
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What is 3 factors of 100?

All the numbers up to 100 are factors in some numbers up to 100. For example, 1 is a factor of every number and 2 is a factor of all the even numbers. The numbers greater than 50 are only factors of themselves among the numbers up to 100, 95 is only a factor of itself, because the next number for which it is a factor is 190, which is greater than 100.

What is the highest common factor of 24 and 28?

To find the highest common factor of two numbers you first need to break them down into their prime factors. In this case: 24 = 2x2x2x3 28 = 2x2x7 The next step is to identify the common factors. In this case, both numbers have two 2s as a factor. We multiply these together to get the HCF: 2x2=4 Thus 4 is the highest common factor of 24 and 28.

What is the greatest common factor of 50 and 54?

To work this out, you first have to break the two numbers into their prime factors: 50 = 2x5x5 54 = 2x3x3 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case both numbers have a 2 as a prime factor. Therefore the GCF of 50 and 54 is 2.

Highest common factor of 12 and 42?

There can be no such number. Suppose x is the least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers. Then 2*LCM is also a common multiple and is greater. And then 3*LCM is a common multiple and greater still. And so on, for ever.

What is the greatest common factor of 72 and 16 and 24 and 64?

The GCF of 18, 24 and 64 is 2. To find the GCF of three numbers you first need to break them down into their prime factors: 18=2x3x3 24=2x2x2x3 64=2x2x2x2x2x2 The next step is to identify the common prime factors. The only prime factor which all three numbers have is 2. Therefore the GCF of 18, 24 and 64 is 2.

Related questions

What are the next 3 number greater than that only have two factors?

Numbers that have only two factors are prime numbers. You're looking for the next three prime numbers over a certain number. But, you didn't tell us what number the three numbers have to be greater than.

What is the next three numbers greater than 4 that only have two factors?

7, 9, 11

How can you tell the next square number with only three factors?

The numbers with only three factors are squares of prime numbers.

What are the next 3 prime numbers after 41?

The next three primes greater than 41 are 43, 47, and 53.

What numbers are less than 200 and have the prime factors of 2 3 and 7?

42 and its next three multiples.

How many two digit numbers which have three factors?

The only numbers which have exactly three factors are perfect squares of prime numbers. That only gives us two results: 5^2 = 25 7^2 = 49 The squares of any other prime numbers are either too small or too large to have two digits. (The next smaller prime number is 3, and the next larger prime number is 11.)

What are the next three numbers in this pattern 1 4 10 22 46 94?

the next three numbers are 180 540 and 1620=)

What are the next three numbers in this pattern 16 12 8?

The difference between the successive numbers is 4. so the next three numbers could be 4, 0 and -4.

The number four has three factors What is the next number with exactly three factors?

The number 9: factors are 9, 3, and 1.

How do you do the HCF of1624 552 1276 by the long division method?

Write the numbers next to each other. Now divide all three numbers by any common factor greater than 1 and repeat until no common factor greater than 1 exists. Multiply together the factors by which you divided to get the HCF: ___2__|__1624___552__1276 ___2__|____812___276___638 ______|____406___138___319 No more common factors (other than 1) → hcf(1624, 552, 1276) = 2 × 2 = 4

What do you think is the next number greater then 50 for which the sum of its proper factors is less than the number its self?

By some definitions prime numbers don't have proper factors. In other definitions, their only proper factor is 1. Either way, your answer is the next prime number after 50, which would be 53.

What is next to 5 and a half centimeters?

all numbers greater than 5.5