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They are both plane figures.

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Oval consists of two arcs (pieces of circles) connected to each other so that there are no sharp edges. It resembles an egg. A circle is perfectly round.

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Q: What is the same between a circle and a rectangle?
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What geometrical shapes does the India gate resemble?


What is the relationship between diagonals on a rhombus?

Not in general. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal length. A rhombus that is also a rectangle would be a square.

What is the relationship between raidus and area?

The relationship between the radius and area of a circle is as follows: Area of circle = 3.14 x Radius x Radius or 22/7 x Radius x Radius

Is the triangle the strongest shape?

No. The Circle is. The Circle is common in all of those trusses as well, the Triangular shape is made up of tubular steel. The Circle has no weak points like the Triangle. The Triangle is weak at the center of the flat sides and the joining of the points. Unlike a Rectangle a Circle will not collapse. A Circle distributes any force applied to it across it's entire surface. Force on a Triangle is carried by it's points.Old answer:YesYes, it is. The triangle is common in all sorts of building supports and trusses. It is strong because the three legs of a triangle define one and only one triangle. If all three sides are made of rigid material, the angles are fixed and cannot get larger or smaller without breaking at the joints, unlike a rectangle, for example, which can turn into a parallelogram and even collapse totally. If you take a rectangle and place one diagonal piece from corner to corner, you can make that strong and stable, too, but doing that makes two triangles!! Think about it! so yes, it is the strongest shape

When Stanley joined Mom's circle who did he sit between from the book holes?


Related questions

Is the raduis of a circle the same of the height of a rectangle?

No, it is not.

What is relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

area of a circle = area of a rectangle(parallelogram) formed by the sectors of circle with pi as length and radius as bradth.

What shape is Hawaii?

It is sort of between a rectangle and a circle.

What is the area of the rectangle if the radius of each circle is 6cm?

It depends on the relationship between the rectangle and the circles.

What two shapes make a cylinder?

circle and rectangle. circle for the top and a curled rectangle with length equal to the circumference of the circle for the side.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a circle?

circles have no sides or angles

What is the relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

circle gol hota ha rectangle chakor pendu tainu aa wi ni pata

If A circle and rectangle have the same area the circle has a diameter of 42 centimeters and rectangle has a width of 18 centimeters find the perimeter of the rectangle?

Area of circle = pi*212 = 1385.44236 square cm Area of rectangle = 1385.44236 square cm Lenght of rectangle = 1385.44236/18 = 76.96902 cm Perimeter of rectangle = 2(76.96902)+2(18) = 189.93804 cm

Between a circle with a diameter of 16 inches and a rectangle 15 inches by 14 inches which one is larger and how much larger?

The area of the circle is 50.265482457436691815402294132472 inches2. The area of the rectangle is 210 inches2. The rectangle is larger in area by 159.73451754256330818459770586753 inches2,

Can a circle be inscribed in a rectangle?

Yes! It can(: you draw the circle in the rectangle with its top and bottom touching the top and bottom sides of the rectangle

What shape begins and ends at the same point?

A circle perhaps?

What is a difference between a square and rectangle is?

They are the same but a rectangle is longer wheras a square isn't.