You could only find the LCM of a PAIR of numbers.
Only if one of the numbers is a multiple of the other.
The LCM for any pair of natural numbers can be as big as their product.
The numbers are relatively prime, or co-prime.
4 and 9
They can be simply: 7 and 14
2 and 7
14 and 35
The LCM is 56.
4 and 14, as a pair, have one LCM. It is 28.
he pair of numbers that would have 20 as their lcm is 4 and 5 Answer. ... The pair of numbers that would have 20 as their lcm is 4 and 5 Send. You might be interested in. What is the answer -1x-4>10. ser-zykov [4K] Answer: 1x>-14. Step-by-step explanation:-1x-4>10. move constant to right
1 and 5 have an LCM of 5.
The LCM is: 35
The product of the GCF and LCM of a pair of numbers is equal to the product of the numbers.
which pair of numbers from 1 to 30 has the LCM OF 120
You could only find the LCM of a PAIR of numbers.
The product of the GCF and the LCM of two numbers is equal to the product of the original two numbers. Multiply the GCF and the LCM. The original two numbers will be another factor pair of that total. Find the factor pair that has that GCF and LCM.