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Q: Which triangle Congruence Postulate can be used to prove that PAC PBC?
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BAD = BCD is the answer i just did it

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Well, this will depend on the length of the sides of the triangle for what postulate or theorem you will be using.

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What is SSS used for in geometry?

SSS is a postulate used in proving that two triangles are congruent. It is also known as the "Side-Side-Side" Triangle Congruence Postulate. It states that if all 3 sides of a triangle are congruent to another triangles 3 sides, then both triangles are congruent.

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-CPTCP -SSS triangle congruence postulate -all of the radii of the circle are congruent apex :)

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The Angle-Side-Angle postulate can be used to prove congruence between two triangles. However, for this particular question, there is no figure available to develop that proposition.

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AAS: If Two angles and a side opposite to one of these sides is congruent to thecorresponding angles and corresponding side, then the triangles are congruent.How Do I know? Taking Geometry right now. :)

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We cannot determine without seeing the data for PRS & QRS. My guess though would be ASA Though it could also be SSS

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The first thing you prove about congruent triangles are triangles that have same side lines (SSS) is congruent. (some people DEFINE congruent that way). You just need to show AAS is equivalent or implies SSS and you are done. That's the first theorem I thought of, don't know if it works though, not a geometry major.

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