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Q: Why The exponential function x ex is continuous but not uniform continuous?
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What is exponential function?

"The" exponential function is ex. A more general exponential function is any function of the form AeBx, for any non-xero constants "A" and "B". Alternately, Any function of the form CDx (for constants "C" and "D") would also be considered an exponential function. You can change from one form to the other.

What is the difference between a logarithmic function and a natural exponential function?

The exponential function, in the case of the natural exponential is f(x) = ex, where e is approximately 2.71828. The logarithmic function is the inverse of the exponential function. If we're talking about the natural logarithm (LN), then y = LN(x), is the same as sayinig x = ey.

What is inverse of exponential function?

The logarithm function. If you specifically mean the function ex, the inverse function is the natural logarithm. However, functions with bases other than "e" might also be called exponential functions.

What you say if a function whose derivative and antiderivative is same?

That means that either the function is equal to zero everywhere (y = 0), or it is the exponential function (y = ex).

What is the children function for the exponential function?

We usually say something like "y=ex is the parent function of y=3ex-2+10", so the answer to your question is probably " The child functions of y=ex have the form aebx+c+d."

What is the inverse of exponential function?

The logarithm function. If y = bx, then x = by is the inverse --> y = logb(x). If b = 10, then the function is often stated with the '10' implied: just log(x). For natural logarithms (y = ex), the function y = ln(x) [which indicates loge(x)] is the inverse.

What does it mean to write a product in exponential form?

exponential form means writing your answer using an exponent. ex: 1300000= 1.3 X 10^6

What is the integral of e raised to x cubed?

(ex)3=e3x, so int[(ex)3dx]=int[e3xdx]=e3x/3 the integral ex^3 involves a complex function useful only to integrations such as this known as the exponential integral, or En(x). The integral is:-(1/3)x*E2/3(-x3). To solve this integral, and for more information on the exponential integral, go to^(x^3)&random=false

How many syllables are in the word exponential?

There are four syllables. Ex-po-nen-tial.

What is the exponential form of cosh x?

cosh (x) = (ex + e-x ) / 2

What are exponential functions?

With exponentiation functions, the rate of change of the function is proportional to it present value.A function f(x) = ax is an exponentiation function [a is a constant with respect to x]Two common exponentiation functions are 10x and ex. The number 'e' is a special number, where the rate of change is equal to the value (not just proportional). When the number e is used, then it is called the exponential function.See related links.

How do I determine if a function is a power function Power functions must be able to be written as such kxa. Would I compare the function to the format of a power function For ex KEv12kv5?

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