12 Basketball players is already written in significant figures, as it has two significant figures. When a number is a whole number with no decimal point, all non-zero digits are considered significant.
There is 2 significant figures in the number 12.
To determine the number of significant figures, count the digits in the value, excluding any leading zeros. All non-zero digits are considered significant. For example, the value 0.0052 has two significant figures.
The most accurate answer is 0.2 mol/kg.Related Information:The number of significant figures in the final answer must be based on the given with the least number of significant figures which is 2L.
Round 12 to 1 significant figure is 10.
12 significant figures.
There are two significant figures in the number 12.
There is 2 significant figures in the number 12.
Non-zero digits are always significant, so the number 12 has two significant figures.
there are 2 significant figures in 12 eggs in a carton because it has only 12 eggs it is only tens but if it like 12,000,001 it has 8 significant figures...
It depends upon how you got to the 12, for example: 28.6 - 16.6 = 12.0 Because each of the numbers that was used to get to the 12 had 3 significant figures, you should write the 12 with three significant figures also. However: 29 - 17 = 12 In this case, each of the numbers that was used to get to 12 had only 2 significant figures, so use only 2 significant figures in the 12.
12 has two significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
The real answer is 33.443 but since 12 is the number with the least significant figures your answer will be 33