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No. For a counterexample, define a*b=b for all a and b in the group. Then we can pick any e to be the left identity of all the elements. Similarly, any b has the right inverse e because b*e=e. However, (if there is more than one element), this doesn't satisfy the conditions on a group because there is no single (two-sided) identity element. If a*x=a and b*x=b, then x=a and x=b, which obviously can't hold in the general case.

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Yes, in group theory, if a group has a left-sided identity element and right-sided inverses for all elements, then it satisfies the group axioms and is a group. This is because left-sided identities and right-sided inverses can be used interchangeably to recover both sided identities and inverses, which are required for a set to be a group.

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Q: Do left sided identity and right sided inverse suffice to recover both sided axioms in group theory?
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What are the different examples of axioms?

Some common examples of axioms include the reflexive property of equality (a = a), the transitive property of equality (if a = b and b = c, then a = c), and the distributive property (a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c). These axioms serve as foundational principles in mathematics and are used to derive more complex mathematical concepts.

What is axiomatic structure?

Axiomatic structure refers to a set of axioms or fundamental principles that form the foundation of a mathematical theory or system. These axioms serve as the starting point for deriving theorems and proofs within that specific framework, ensuring logical consistency and guiding mathematical reasoning. The consistency and coherence of a mathematical structure depend on the clarity and completeness of its axiomatic system.

Which is used to reach a conclusion in a formal proof?

In a formal proof, logical reasoning and axioms are used to reach a conclusion. By following the rules of logic and making valid deductions based on the given information, a proof can demonstrate the truth of a statement. Furthermore, the structure of the proof, typically composed of statements and reasons, helps to show the validity of the conclusion.

Merits of quantum theory over classical theory?

Quantum theory can accurately describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels, where classical theories fail. It can explain phenomena such as superposition, entanglement, and tunnelling. Additionally, quantum theory has practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and cryptography.

Why don't all theories become laws?

Not all theories become laws because theories are explanations based on evidence and observations, while laws are principles that describe relationships and patterns in nature. Laws are typically simpler and more fundamental than theories, and theories may incorporate multiple laws and more complex explanations. Additionally, theories can evolve and be refined over time, while laws are generally seen as more fixed and fundamental.

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A paddock is a set that satisfies the 4 addition axioms, 4 multiplication axioms and the distributive law of multiplication and addition but instead of 0 not being equal to 1, 0 equals 1. Where 0 is the additive identity and 1 is the multiplicative identity. The only example that comes to mind is the set of just 0 (or 1, which in this case equals 0).

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Peano axioms was created in 1889.

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Axioms - album - was created in 1999.

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They are called axioms, not surprisingly!

Why does the fact 0 has no multiplicative inverse still mean R is still a field?

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Axioms cannot be proved.

If a figure has 2 right angles are the angles congruent?

PostulatesEuclid's 4th postulate states that all right angles are congruent. This postulate holds in all non-euclidean geometries as well. So regardless of the geometry (elliptic/Euclidean/hyperbolic) of the figure, if both are right angles then they are most definitely congruent. Postulates are the axioms which define space, these axioms cannot be proved. Suffice to say it is true because that is part of the definition of space.I hope this answers your question.-PetrozPostulatesEuclid's 4th postulate states that all right angles are congruent. This postulate holds in all non-euclidean geometries as well. So regardless of the geometry (elliptic/Euclidean/hyperbolic) of the figure, if both are right angles then they are most definitely congruent. Postulates are the axioms which define space, these axioms cannot be proved. Suffice to say it is true because that is part of the definition of space.I hope this answers your question.-PetrozPostulatesEuclid's 4th postulate states that all right angles are congruent. This postulate holds in all non-euclidean geometries as well. So regardless of the geometry (elliptic/Euclidean/hyperbolic) of the figure, if both are right angles then they are most definitely congruent. Postulates are the axioms which define space, these axioms cannot be proved. Suffice to say it is true because that is part of the definition of space.I hope this answers your question.-PetrozPostulatesEuclid's 4th postulate states that all right angles are congruent. This postulate holds in all non-euclidean geometries as well. So regardless of the geometry (elliptic/Euclidean/hyperbolic) of the figure, if both are right angles then they are most definitely congruent. Postulates are the axioms which define space, these axioms cannot be proved. Suffice to say it is true because that is part of the definition of space.I hope this answers your question.-PetrozPostulatesEuclid's 4th postulate states that all right angles are congruent. This postulate holds in all non-euclidean geometries as well. So regardless of the geometry (elliptic/Euclidean/hyperbolic) of the figure, if both are right angles then they are most definitely congruent. Postulates are the axioms which define space, these axioms cannot be proved. Suffice to say it is true because that is part of the definition of space.I hope this answers your question.-Petroz

Which are accepted without proof in a logical system?


What are the 4 fundamental laws in mathematics?

I don't know why there should be 4 laws (=axioms) specifically. In mathematics you can choose whatever system of axioms and laws and work your way with those. Even "logic" (propositional calculus) can be redefined in meaningful ways. the most commonly used system is Zermolo-Fraenkel+choice: It has 9 axioms though, not 4. One might want to take into consideration the rules of "logic" as basic laws: Another common set of axioms that can be created inside the ZFC system is peano arithmetic: I hope I understood your question. The short answer is "there is no such thing". I think the questioner may have meant the 5 fundmental laws in mathematics, also known as the axioms of arithmetic, these are as follows: A1 - for any such real numbers a and b, a+b=b+a, the commutative law A2 - for any such real numbers a,b and c, a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c, the associative law A3 - for any real number a there exists an identity, 0, such that, a+0 = a, the identity law A4 - for any real number a there exists a number -a such that a+(-a)=0, the inverse law A5 - for any real numbers a and b, there exists a real number c, such that a+b=c, the closure property. These 5 axioms, when combined with the axioms of multiplication and a bit of logic/analytical thinking, can build up every number field, and from there extend into differentiation, complex functions, statistics, finance, mechanics and virtually every area of mathematics.

What terms are accepted without proof in a logical system geometry?

Such terms are called axioms, or postulates.Exactly which terms are defined to be axioms depends on the specific system used.

Do axioms and postulates require proof?

No. Axioms and postulates are statements that we accept as true without proof.