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The fixed stars were thought to be fixed on a large sphere, outside the planets, that rotated daily.

The issue in those days was to explain the complex movements of the planets, and the stars were just considered very far away.

The lack of of parallax - apparent regular movements of stars as the Earth travels round its orbit - were used as a proof that the Earth is at the centre, as Galileo maintained in his early years.

It was not until 200 years later, in 1838, that Bessel discovered a regular yearly movement in the nearby star 61 Cygni, and knowing the size of the Earth's orbit he calculated a distance of 10 light-years for 61 Cygni. That was when the unimaginable distances of the stars was first realised.

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Q: How did Copernicus explain the circular motion of the stars if the Earth was not at the centre of the universe?
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Nicolaus Copernicus showed that the universe is what?

The sun was the centre of the Universe

What was Copernicus' idea of the motion of the planets?

He believed in Heliocentrism (That the sun was the centre of the universe, not Earth).

Which of these did Copernicus believe was at the center of the universe?

No, that was what the scriptures said, but Copernicus's model, also promoted by Galileo, had the Sun at the centre instead.

Why did Nicholas Copernicus go to jail?

Nicholas Copernicus did not go to jail. He was a Polish mathematician and astronomer known for proposing the heliocentric model of the universe, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. His work was controversial at the time, but he was not imprisoned for his ideas.

Who propsose a sun-centered solar system?

In 1543, Copernicus published a book about a new idea he had. Most pople in his day thought that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. But, Copernicus disagreed. according to him, the Universe is not centred around the Earth, but the Earthis actually a planet circling the Sun.

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Nicolaus Copernicus showed that the universe is what?

The sun was the centre of the Universe

What did the Copernicus universe suggest?

Copernicus suggested a heliocentric model of the universe. Meaning, the earth was the centre of the universe and other planets had to orbit around the earth. This model of the universe was against Ptolemy's model of a geocentric model; a stationary Earth at the centre of the universe.

Where did Copernicus get the principals idea that the earth was not the centre of the universe?

Copernicus was an astronaut and Mathematician, it is during the research that he was able to get the principle idea that the earth was not at the center of the universe.

What was Copernicus' idea of the motion of the planets?

He believed in Heliocentrism (That the sun was the centre of the universe, not Earth).

Copernicus believes in a solar centric universe What does that mean?

Solar centric or more usually heliocentric put the sun at the centre of the universe as opposed to the earth at the centre. We now know this to be inncorrect though the sun is at the centre of the solar system

Which of these did Copernicus believe was at the center of the universe?

No, that was what the scriptures said, but Copernicus's model, also promoted by Galileo, had the Sun at the centre instead.

Who was the first man who said that the earth is not the center of the universe?

The first scientist to say the earth is not the centre of the whole universe was Nicolaus Copernicus early in the sixteenth century.

Tycho's universe was the same as the Copernican universe except that?

Brahe's theories revolved around the ptolemaic system, where Earth was the centre of the Universe. Copernicus stated that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but we revolve around other masses as well.

Why did Nicholas Copernicus go to jail?

Nicholas Copernicus did not go to jail. He was a Polish mathematician and astronomer known for proposing the heliocentric model of the universe, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. His work was controversial at the time, but he was not imprisoned for his ideas.

Who propsose a sun-centered solar system?

In 1543, Copernicus published a book about a new idea he had. Most pople in his day thought that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. But, Copernicus disagreed. according to him, the Universe is not centred around the Earth, but the Earthis actually a planet circling the Sun.

Did Copernicus and Galileo believed that earth was at the center of the universe?

They believed in a heliocentric universe. This meaning that the earth was not the center of the universe, but that the sun was. However, many people , including the church, did not agree with this theory. Instead they believed in a geocentric universe. Plato and Aristotle believed in this theory.

Who thought that the earth was in the centre of the universe and that the planets has circlar orbits?

Everybody from Ptolemy up to about 1690, with a few exceptions like Copernicus and Galileo and Kepler.