One US liquid pint = about 473.18 mL
A US pint is 473 ml. An Imperial pint is 568 ml.
There are 568.26 ml in 1 pint UK (imperial pint).
One UK pint is about 568.26 mL.
There are 568 mls in an Imperial pint, and 473 mls in a US pint.
16 fluid ounces = 1 pint = 473.2 ml
To answer this, you first need to convert the pint so that we're working in consistent units. There are 568.261485ml in a pint. Therefore, we can rewrite the question as "is 660ml more or less than 568.3ml?" Clearly the answer is that it is more.
One US liquid pint = about 473.18 mL
568 millilitres ≈ 1 (imp) pint → 330 ml ≈ 330/568 pt ≈ 0.58 pt
A US pint is 473 ml. An Imperial pint is 568 ml.
1.2 pint 1.99 pint 1 pint = 473.17 ml 1 ml = 0.002 pint
There are 568.26 ml in 1 pint UK (imperial pint).
One UK pint is about 568.26 mL.
1 pint (US) = 473.2 ml 1 pint (UK) = 568.3 ml
There are 568 mls in an Imperial pint, and 473 mls in a US pint.
1 pint = 568.26 ml thus 1/2 pint = 284.13 ml1 pint = 568.26 mltherefor1/2 pint = 284.13 ml
1/2 pint = 236.58 ml 1 pint = 473.17 ml 1 ml = 0.002 pint