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You must use what you DO know, along with an appropriate equation or formula

from the toolbox of formulas you've collected during your study of Physics.


If you know the total distance covered and the elapsed time,

then you can use the familiar formula ...

x = 1/2 A T2

but solve it for 'A' (acceleration):

2x = A T2

A = 2x/T2 .

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āˆ™ 11y ago
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āˆ™ 12y ago

Deceleration is found in the same way as forward acceleration: a=Δv/Δt

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Q: How do you find deceleration when you do not know final velocity?
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How do you find the distance given only the initial velocity traveled time and final velocity?

You can use the equation: distance = (initial velocity + final velocity) / 2 * time. This formula assumes constant acceleration.

How can you find final position without knowing initial velocity?

You can find the final position by using the acceleration and time. If you know the initial velocity and acceleration, you can calculate the final position using the kinematic equation ( x = x_0 + v_0t + \frac{1}{2}at^2 ), where ( x_0 ) is the initial position, ( v_0 ) is the initial velocity, ( a ) is the acceleration, ( t ) is the time, and ( x ) is the final position.

How do you find the initial velocity just with the accelaration final velocity and time?

You can use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time. Rearrange the equation to solve for initial velocity: initial velocity = final velocity - acceleration * time. Simply substitute the given values for final velocity, acceleration, and time into the equation to find the initial velocity.

How do you find distance when given initial velocity final velocity and acceleration?

Here are the velocity equations D= (vi+vf/2)t D=vit + 1/2 at^2 V^2=Vi^2 + 2ad V= vi+at a= (vf-vo)/t According to your question, use V^2=Vi^2 + 2ad v= Final velocity vi= initial velocity a= acceleration d= displacement

If at the Earth's surface a projectile is launched straight up at a speed of 9 km per sec to what height will it rise Ignore air resistance and the rotation of the Earth?

The height the projectile will reach can be found using the equation for projectile motion: ( h = \frac{v^2} {2g} ), where ( h ) is the height, ( v ) is the initial velocity (9 km/s), and ( g ) is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sĀ²). Converting the velocity to m/s and plugging in the values, we find the projectile will rise to a height of approximately 408 km above the surface of the Earth.

Related questions

A braking time of 1.5 to 2 seconds what is the final velocity?

You need more details.The final velocity could be 0However, you need to know the initial velocity, and the braking acceleration, and perhaps other acceleration/deceleration factors to know the true answer.

How do you find the distance given only the initial velocity traveled time and final velocity?

You can use the equation: distance = (initial velocity + final velocity) / 2 * time. This formula assumes constant acceleration.

How do you find a final velocity without distance but given time?

Without distance, you have to know time, initial velocity, and acceleration, in order to find final velocity.

What is the formula for calculating final velocity when you know the initial speed and the acceleration?

the formula for finding acceleration is final velocity, minus initial velocity, all over time. So if you have the acceleration and initial speed, which is equal to the initial velocity, you must also have time in order to find the final velocity. Once you have the time, you multiply it by the acceleration. That product gives you the difference of the final velocity and initial velocity, so then you just add the initial velocity to the product to find the final velocity.

How do you find initial velocity if final velocity or distance is not present?

you cannot. you need to know one or the other if you're doing a problem where someone is throwing something in the air, the final velocity is 0

How do you find final and initial velocities with the average velocity?

You can't.You only know what half the sum of (initial + final) is, (it's the average), but you don't know what the initial and final are.

What will the stopping distance be for 3000-kg car if -3000 N of force are applied when the car is traveling 10ms?

To calculate stopping distance, you need to know the deceleration of the car. Here, deceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law: deceleration = force / mass. With the given force of -3000 N and mass of 3000 kg, the deceleration would be -1 m/s^2. Using the equation of motion, final velocity^2 = initial velocity^2 + 2 * acceleration * distance, you can calculate the stopping distance.

How do you find final and initial velocity?

To find the final velocity of an object, you can use the kinematic equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). If acceleration is constant, you can also use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (2 * acceleration * distance). The initial velocity can be found by measuring the velocity of the object at the beginning of its motion using a speedometer or other measuring device.

How do you calculate time to accelerate?

You can calculate the time to accelerate using the formula, time = (final velocity - initial velocity) / acceleration. To do this, you need to know the initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration of the object. Plug these values into the formula to find the time it takes to accelerate.

How can you find final position without knowing initial velocity?

You can find the final position by using the acceleration and time. If you know the initial velocity and acceleration, you can calculate the final position using the kinematic equation ( x = x_0 + v_0t + \frac{1}{2}at^2 ), where ( x_0 ) is the initial position, ( v_0 ) is the initial velocity, ( a ) is the acceleration, ( t ) is the time, and ( x ) is the final position.

What would you use to find the acceleration?

The answer depends on the context: You can find the acceleration if you know any three of : initial velocity, final velocity, time, distance travelled. You can find it if you know the mass and force. You know the two masses and the distance between them (gravitational acceleration).

How do you find the initial velocity just with the accelaration final velocity and time?

You can use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time. Rearrange the equation to solve for initial velocity: initial velocity = final velocity - acceleration * time. Simply substitute the given values for final velocity, acceleration, and time into the equation to find the initial velocity.