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Q: How is Copernicus discovery being used today?
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How did Copernicus disprove ptolemys theory about the universe?

Shortly before Copernicus died he figured that the Earth was notthecenter of things, but the Sun was. This theory is still used today. He worked out this this theory from detailed observations of the orbit of Mars.

What is the similarity between the Ptolemy and Copernicus models of the solar system?

The similarity is that both theories used a system of circles and epicycles to explain how the planets move around. Copernicus's theory (1543) used a similar number of epicycles, but many of them were smaller so that the paths followed by the planets were geometrically simpler. The difference was that Copernicus placed the Sun at the centre rather than the Earth as the ancient theory had done. Another theory was later produced by Kepler (1609), which used Copernicus's idea of having the Sun at the centre, but Kepler used elliptical orbits for the planets. This new model fitted observational measurements better, but it was not until many years later after the discovery of the law of gravity and the laws of motion (1687) that it was possible to pick out Kepler's theory as the correct one that is still in use today.

Are Copernicus' views accepted today?

Not by the scientific community, but his extensive data was used by Keppler to figure out that planets had eliptical orbits. this led to kepplers laws of planetary motion.

How did Robert Koch discovery being used today?

Robert Koch's discovery of the causative agents of anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera laid the foundation for modern microbiology and the development of techniques for isolating and identifying pathogenic bacteria. Today, his work continues to influence the fields of epidemiology, infectious disease research, and public health practices, particularly in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of bacterial infections.

What were the similarities between Ptolemy's model and Copernicus' model?

Both Copernicus heliocentric and the Ptolemaic models agreed on the need for epicycles. These were miniature orbits that the celestial bodies travelled on as well as their normal orbits.Copernicus still invigaed the bodies orbiting in perfect circles and had to put these in to explain some of the movements of the planets. This may have contributed to his ideas being largely dismissed as it was just as complicated as the already established model. It was not until Kepler proposed elliptical orbits was this problem resolved.

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How did Galileo's observations of Jupiter's moons support Copernicus theory?

The discovery did not support Copernicus's theory directly but it raised doubts about the ancient theory of Ptolemy that said that all objects in the sky are in orbit round the Earth. Galileo was an aggressive supporter of Copernicus's theory but eventually it was Kepler's theory that became accepted and is still used today. Both Copernicus and Kepler placed the Sun at the centre but Kepler's elliptical orbits are supported by the later theory of dynamics.

How has Nicholas Copernicus discovery been used?

He was the first astromoner to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the earth from the center of the universe.

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Yes, Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic, is still widely used today to treat bacterial infections. It revolutionized medicine and has saved countless lives since its discovery in 1928.

How did Copernicus discovery come about?

Nicholas Copernicus stated that the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits around the Sun. To come about this he used circles moving in an orbit, or circular way, to support his system about Earth and its rotation. He used fixed stars, or "non moving" stars, to show the motion of other planets.

How did Nicolas Copernicus's discovery come about?

Nicholas Copernicus stated that the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits around the Sun. To come about this he used circles moving in an orbit, or circular way, to support his system about Earth and its rotation. He used fixed stars, or "non moving" stars, to show the motion of other planets.

How Copernicus disprove Ptolemy's theory about the universe?

Shortly before Copernicus died he figured that the Earth was notthecenter of things, but the Sun was. This theory is still used today. He worked out this this theory from detailed observations of the orbit of Mars.

How did Copernicus disprove ptolemys theory about the universe?

Shortly before Copernicus died he figured that the Earth was notthecenter of things, but the Sun was. This theory is still used today. He worked out this this theory from detailed observations of the orbit of Mars.

How wear the contribution of Nicolas Copernicus and Galileo Galileo to the scientific revolution simile?

I am not sure they used similes. Copernicus postulated a sun-centered solar system through what today we would call reason and thought experiments. Galileo's careful observations through his telescope confirmed Copernicus's hypothesis.

What is the similarity between the Ptolemy and Copernicus models of the solar system?

The similarity is that both theories used a system of circles and epicycles to explain how the planets move around. Copernicus's theory (1543) used a similar number of epicycles, but many of them were smaller so that the paths followed by the planets were geometrically simpler. The difference was that Copernicus placed the Sun at the centre rather than the Earth as the ancient theory had done. Another theory was later produced by Kepler (1609), which used Copernicus's idea of having the Sun at the centre, but Kepler used elliptical orbits for the planets. This new model fitted observational measurements better, but it was not until many years later after the discovery of the law of gravity and the laws of motion (1687) that it was possible to pick out Kepler's theory as the correct one that is still in use today.

Is it true that Copernicus invented many of the laws that are used to study space?

Copernicus' model of the universe that puts the Sun at the center of the solar system was a major and important contribution to astronomy. Whether his laws are important to the study of space today is problematic

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