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No, it is instantaneous acceleration.

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No, average velocity is the total displacement divided by the total time taken. The slope of the tangent to the curve on a velocity-time graph at a specific instant of time gives the instantaneous velocity at that moment, not the average velocity.

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Q: Is Average velocity the slope of the line tangent to the curve on a velocity time graph at a specific instant of time?
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When is the velocity vector of a particle tangent to the path of the particle?

The velocity vector of a particle is tangent to the path of the particle at any point. This is because velocity is a vector that points in the direction of motion of the particle at that particular instant.

How do you find instantaneous velocity from position time graph?

To find instantaneous velocity from a position-time graph, you calculate the slope of the tangent line at a specific point on the graph. The slope represents the rate of change of position at that instant, which is equivalent to the velocity at that particular moment.

How would you obtain the acceleration of an object from a velocity time graph?

The average acceleration can be obtained by finding the slope of the graph. The instantaneous acceleration is found by drawing a tangent to a particular point on the graph (instant) and finding the slope of than tangent.

How can you obtain the average velocity and instantaneous velocity from a displacement - time graph?

To obtain average velocity from a displacement-time graph, divide the total displacement by the total time taken. For instantaneous velocity, find the slope of the tangent to the curve at a specific point on the graph. This tangent represents the velocity at that instant.

Does the slope of a position time graph represent average velocity or rate of change of velocity?

The slope of a position-time graph represents the average velocity of an object. It does not represent the rate of change of velocity, which would be represented by the slope of a velocity-time graph.

What is the slope of the line tangent to the curve on a position-time graph at a specific time?

The slope of the line tangent to the curve on a position-time graph at a specific time represents the velocity of the object at that particular moment. It indicates how fast the object is moving at that instant.

What does a tangent to a velocity-time graph measure?

A tangent to a velocity-time graph represents the instantaneous acceleration of an object at that specific moment in time. It shows how the velocity is changing at that particular point.

What does the slope of a tangent to the curve of a velocity-time graph measure?

The slope of a tangent to the curve of a velocity-time graph represents the acceleration of an object at that specific instant in time. A steeper slope indicates a greater acceleration, while a flatter slope indicates a smaller acceleration.

How do you find the distance from a velocity time graph?

this time is basically the instant when an object has a particular velocity(instantaneous velocity). so on the graph draw a line from the particular value of the velocity and then draw a vertical line on time axis to find the time for that velocity.

What is the velocity of an object at any given instant in time is known as?

It is called instantaneous velocity and is the slope of the line tangent to the point on the position versus time graph. It also can be found by differentiating position with respect to time (i.e. dx/dt)Instantaneous Speed

What is instantaneous acceleration?

Instantaneous acceleration is the rate of change of velocity at a particular moment in time. It is the acceleration of an object at a specific point in time, representing how quickly the object's velocity is changing at that instant. A positive value indicates an increase in speed, while a negative value indicates a decrease in speed.

What is initial tangent?

The tangent (of a curve) is a vector that is tangent (perpendicular to the normal), i.e. the instantaneous velocity of the curve at a specific point. As such, the initial tangent is the initial velocity of the curve at the point where t=0. Stated in other terms, the tangent is the slope of the line at a point. This is expressed (in two dimensions, but applicable to higher dimensions), as the line that has x and y coordinates equal to the point of tangency, and slope equal to the limit of delta y over delta x as delta x (and delta y) approaches zero.