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Idle capacity variance is typically due to a decrease in the volume of production. When actual production falls short of the standard capacity, idle capacity variance occurs because resources are not being fully utilized.

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Q: Is idle capacity variance due to an increase or decrease in the volume of production?
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What does it mean for a trait to have low variance?

A trait that has low variance suggests that there is a high environmental variance. This means that the success of a trait is increased if people are raised in optimal environmental conditions.

How do you identify the idle time variance?

Idle time variance is calculated by finding the difference between the actual idle time and the standard idle time, then multiplying the result by the standard rate for idle time. The formula is: Idle Time Variance = (Actual Idle Time - Standard Idle Time) x Standard Rate for Idle Time. This variance helps identify whether idle time was more or less than anticipated and its impact on costs.

Which group under went a large increase in diversity during the Cambrian explosion?

The group that underwent a large increase in diversity during the Cambrian explosion was the arthropods. They diversified and evolved a wide range of body forms and adaptations, leading to the emergence of various modern-day arthropod groups like insects, spiders, and crustaceans.

Why CuS is covalent compound while CuO is ionic compound?

Not sure about your examples but electronegativity variance is a good rule of thumb for deciding ionic from covalent bonds. Electronegativity variance less than 1.4, generally much less, indicates a covalent bonding. Electronegativity variance greater than 1.4 indicates ionic bonding.

What is relation between thermal conductivity and viscosity?

There is no direct relation between thermal conductivity and viscosity. Thermal conductivity refers to a material's ability to conduct heat, while viscosity refers to a fluid's resistance to flow. However, in some cases, changes in temperature can affect both properties, as increased temperature can decrease viscosity and increase thermal conductivity.

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What is the difference between variable overhead cost variance and fixed overhead variance?

direct or indirect cost which increases or decreases with production are variable overheads such as, indirect material, indirect labor, utilities, maintenancd expansis etc. expansis which does not fluctuate with increase or decrease of production called fixed overheads such as rent, salaries, insurance, professional membership like ISO etc.

What are the variances in a 4 variance analysis?

efficiency variance, spending variance, production volume variance, variable and fixed components

Is the volume variance a controllable variance from a spending point of view?

No, the volume variance is controllable but not related to spending. The volume variance calculates the dollar impact of producing more or less than the budgeted production volume. No, the volume variance is controllable but not related to spending. The volume variance calculates the dollar impact of producing more or less than the budgeted production volume.

If the variance of a distribution increases will the confidence in a given interval decrease?


What factors causes Budget Variance?

There are 7 variances associated with a budget ( which are generally calculated for controlling purposes) 1- Material Price variance 2- Material Quantity variance 3- Labor rate variance 4- Labor efficiency variance 5- Spending variance 6- Efficiency variance 7- Capacity variance

What will happen if the difference between scores and the mean decreases?

The variance and the standard deviation will decrease.

What does a favorable direct materials efficiency variance indicate?

A favorable direct materials efficiency variance indicates that you are using less material in production than was budgeted for.

Fixed-overhead budget variance?

Fixed overhead budgeted variance is the difference between estimated budgeted cost and actual fixed overhead cost of production.

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What are the causes for adverse overhead capacity variance?

Incurring higher fixed costs than were planned for in the budget can cause adverse overhead capacity variance. Other caused can include planning errors, inefficient management of fixed overheads, and business expansion that was not added to the budget.

What is combined overhead variance?

Combined overhead variance = fixed overhead variance + variable overhead varianceFixed Overhead :which remains fixed and donot change upto certain level of productionVariable Overhead: which keep changing with the change in production units.